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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AIREAYE

  1. I'm not saying that it doesn't have an effect or what have you, but imo it definitely isn't worth the $25+tax that it costs. If you factor in the time for application and re-application, a lot of the 'effects' you might notice could even be placebo.
  2. Screw them, they just can't appreciate good gear :P
  3. Good calls bud :) Saw ADTR twice now, the Warped gig was a dangerous mass of shifting human sweat, bodies and feet
  4. Customers (little kids, no intention of buying) who help themselves to Rapidshot with out employee consent/supervision. Yes I know the lock is busted and you can unlock it with a cultivated fingernail, but MUST you grab every top of the line stick and slap them around?
  5. Agree with the comments regarding last-minute purchases. I've sold quite a bit to folks coming in the shop at 855 pm when we close at 9...doesn't bother me one bit cause I love working there :) @ ponder : absolutely no problem with window shoppers, as long as (like JR said) they don't go messing up our displays and stuff, just a minor annoyance. IMO though, I hope the window shopper doesn't get annoyed when one or two sales people approach them. Either the SAs didn't communicate to each other that the person was just browsing, or were just there to double check on the customer. Things could change and every person walking in is a potential sale.
  6. Agreed, but it's still always amusing to hear stories about their past experiences at other stores. Doesn't help that some people insist on Bauer from the get go while avoiding Reebok like the plague just because they've heard 'bad things'. Agree with Axxion as well. I've never played contact nor have had a visor nor do I play goalie. That's why for the contact issue I go wityh mid/high level gear that fits and for visors/goal, you defer to your guys that know it better :) LOL was he any good? that's why one shouldn't judge a book by its cover...but everyone does to an extent anyways
  7. Something that amuses me: love how some customers find it necessary to ask if I play hockey... Well no Sir/Ma'am, otherwise I wouldn't been able to sell you those skates, gloves, elbows, shins, pants, helmet and stick ... it's cause I'm asian isn't it? doesn't matter if I work at a place called Hockey EXPERTS either hehe
  8. Just came back from Warped Tour...one of the best days of my life
  9. Haters gonna hate bro, great creation btw :) A white shell with blue inserts just won't work as well in my mind
  10. Great job bigdmac, we're proud of you Just curious though and I apologize if this seems insensitive, but how did you classify him as 'dead' before? Was it just no vitals or did you include brain activity into that as well?
  11. That's just policy/protocol I think. We'd rather tell you 24 hrs to be completely safe than to be blamed for when things go wrong post-baking had you not taken our advice/we had not given you advice.
  12. Perhaps, but sloth comes from management down. We have a specific list of bake times for each brand and model series for example.
  13. Although it's not something we'd normally tell customers, it could work in theory imo.
  14. Yessir, looking damn right forward to it. Cheers
  15. Every single bolded line...I went through the same my friend. Don't think posting here is the best idea, but I'll do it anyways. You're not alone bud, if anything shoot me a PM and we can talk :) I was depressed this year too, I didn't have her and I didn't have hockey. Found out she kept jumping from relationship to relationship with other guys (none of which would ever treat her as well as I did, that much I take solace in) trying to fill a void. I felt used by her, I gave her so much and I felt that she didn't give back anything in return, I was just a plaything to her. I turned to alcohol and self harm. After a whole year of no communication (see the problem?) we finally sat down and talked. She told me what I needed to hear, that I was the only person she ever allowed completely into her life, her darkest and deepest. Real and true love at 16 gentlemen? It exists. I found out she almost went through attempted suicide one night after the breakup. I knew that she had some kind of emotional depression in her genetics and I found out from her that she has been going to professional therapy and taking anti-depressants all this time. Both of us were really fu**ed up this year, but she more than I. Maybe there will be one day where the guilt becomes too much for me, but ultimately I want her to be happy and I know that once she leaves that house-that-is-not-a-home and goes off to university in the fall, I will be relieved. Basically man, I know you have the strength to move on, maybe a change of scenery will help. And from this, also be grateful that she is safe and happy I have an unconventional method for you. Listen to music, it can be therapeutic. Please do me a favor and listen to Go Radio Stay strong bro. Chin up cause it's all gonna clear up.
  16. That's amazing. My friend who originally had 2 and a half years left due to kidney cancer now has an additional 7 or so thanks to a donor.
  17. maybe you included the pre-heat time with your number?
  18. You're on modsquad...enough said :)
  19. That's not what he's saying Drew, it's about safety; simple as that. Running at a group of crazy rioters shouting 'CHILL THE F*** OUT, THIS IS MY CITY' or even trying to reason with them would only get you a punch to the face or worse yet. They can't do anything about it except to demonstrate after the fact that they are displeased. Look at how many of the garbage collectors are youth. What are they gaining from picking up garbage personally? I agree with chippa.
  20. Absolutely ridiculous, very embarrassed. The game itself was pretty disappointing as well, and not just because Vancouver lost; the Canucks seemingly had no desire to win, it was boring.
  21. Amazing what you can find there. Bought a pair of Jofa 7500 elbows for my brother, had another member here buy a pair of Leafs colorway Franchises for I think $30 at the same store, you can find older Tacks gear, Jofa/RBK stuff we all love, Tackla, Eagle etcetc
  22. That's amazing :D Don't give up and congrats on this
  23. Oh right, didn't notice that. Where'd you get it?
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