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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bostonjuniorblackhawks

  1. Sweet dude!! I think that's the x60 I was going to get. I think they have a few more. Are those right handed and around 87 flex?
  2. Revieved a stick today. Guy left it all taped up and put grip on it with friction tape. I found the tacki mac tape stuff under the handle he made. I thought cleaning up a stick before you sell it is common courtesy............
  3. TSR has a bunch of new dolos so I will probably grab one next time I'm there
  4. the morrow dolo looks sweet. The new dolo graphics are starting to grow on me.
  5. Ah yes, gotta love ringers. One team I play against likes to bring in the local D3 kids who are about 6 or more years older than me.
  6. I'll keep your cousin in my prayers, EBONDO. Seems like people are dropping like flies now a days. My neighbor who is a young mother with 3 children, recently developed a brain tumor. Unfortunately, it's not looking good for her.
  7. I love when there is a bunch of bikers in the middle of the road and won't let you drive by.................
  8. Latest edition to my fast growing glove collection........
  9. Spam ? You either love or you hate boiled dinner.
  10. I don't even go lol. I might have to pick up my dad though.........
  11. New England boiled dinner is a one pot dish consisting of corned beef or plain beef brisket or smoked picnic ham shoulder, with cabbage, carrots and potatoes. When made with corned beef, it's an Irish-American corned beef and cabbage dish, traditionally made around St. Patrick's Day. My parents like to make it with plain, uncured brisket. Others make it with smoked ham shoulder. The following recipe is for boiled dinner made with either corned beef or plain beef brisket. From some random recipe website
  12. My grandmother is making boiled dinner tommorrow night. Only my father and his siblings are invited though.....grr
  13. might as well throw on cartman's version of heat of the moment while your at it
  14. All these ppf's lately are sweet. I might as well just let the glove whore in me take over any buy some black ones so I can black them out
  15. school is canceled and I finally found a freaking xn10 ops. :)
  16. It won't stop raining!! Got out of school early today and probably won't have it tommorrow. It's funny how we have had missed more school do to wind and rain than snow.
  17. the lhs somewhere in cali where he bought them........................or wait until other stores get ppf's in california tan
  18. I will probably go the replacement route instead of dropping a huge chunk of change on custom gloves
  19. If you can't adapt to that sw xn10, I'll buy it :P
  20. Sweet gloves. I wanna feel some mustang palms. I love the warrior kangaroo ones
  21. Warriors FTW. I'm looking to buy another pair of warriors after I traded my last pair. The liner feels amazing
  22. nice, it was 63 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday in Boston
  23. Do the pias around you have a decent selection? The one near me just has some pricepoint sticks, lower end protective stuff, and a bunch of used skates.
  24. My team lost in the championship of a tourney today. The other team was full of ringers...........
  25. would those be synergy 800 gloves?
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