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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bostonjuniorblackhawks

  1. Done with exams monday and should wrap up make up work for the year by the end of next week. It will be a huge load off my shoulders
  2. I don't think those sold too high compared to some of the other warriors powerplay auctions has sold. Nice pickup
  3. played 3 games today in hs school league. Nothing like getting back into the swing of things. Hurt my knee but biofreeze on it is feeling pretty damn good right now
  4. Nice. Sucks I couldn't make it
  5. Retards who admitt they try stuff on in a store then buy the same thing online
  6. I had something very similar and it didn't take as long as I thought it would to get used to. I had an 82 flex kobasew g3 with modified sakic curve that had more toe and was pretty open
  7. Nice triple post. The league I'm in is the same way. Only time of the year that I become a "shutdown" defender :lol:
  8. Honestly I had to hold back last night from beating the shit out of some 14 year olds. The team had the worst chirps I've ever heard and were running kids from behind. This is why I left high school hockey in MA
  9. Only lost 7-2 when we had six guys last night and the opposing team had 3 lines........ With a little bit better play from the goalies and if we ran the trap more effectively, game would have been closer.
  10. That will be nice to have a standard blade with that curve.
  11. The only time I take other peoples pucks is when the rink manager just tells me to take whatevers left. I'm usually the last one off.
  12. I'd consider carbon too. I've seen the white classic in person and just got a white carbon cuff on my custom franchises. I think the carbon looks better IMO
  13. Yup, got 2 days off this year because of the rain. No snow days LOL
  14. Well that blows. The private schools around here get out next week. The seniors at a local catholic school get out april 16, as does the seniors at my school. I can't wait for next year. It will be nice to go on april vacation and not have to worry about going back to school after.
  15. Early September. Our last day is the 21st
  16. I hear ya everytime I offer to pick something up from tsr or somewhere else, I'm expected to pay upfront and hope the person still wants whatever the hell I bought..............
  17. I feel ya. Still 3 weeks or so left up here in Mass
  18. I got 590 and 580 in the other two sections. Nothing I learned in the past 3 years in math has really helped me on the math section of the sats. Just basic geometry, algebra, and a shitload of plugging in.
  19. I wouldn't worry too much. My friend got a 1200. My score was a tad lower than I hoped for, but I think I will do better next fall. I got a 690 on the math and somehow didn't do so hot on the other sections lol.
  20. looks like the pair powerplayauctions sold a few weeks ago
  21. Problem is the store I bought the items from put it in. Never had a problem with a blade that I've put in myself. I have one. Just wouldn't budge.
  22. broke my dolo shaft today. Wooden xxxx blade in there would not budge. I tried the door trick and that didn't work. I cut the blade off leaving just the tenon. The tenon wouldn't move.
  23. $195 shipped. They have sold 3 pairs so far. first sold for $203. I got the second pair, and the third sold for$210
  24. thanks, been wanting ppfs for a while and finally pulled the trigger
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