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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bostonjuniorblackhawks

  1. pff's with rbk branding. Darkest navy blue I've ever seen. I can only tell it's navy in natural light
  2. Still like seeing custom franchises just to seen what designs people come up with
  3. Still haven't heard from them scott. Did your gloves show up out of nowhere or did the notify you
  4. finally took a pic of these
  5. there's another pair up :lol:
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...e=STRK:MEWNX:IT I guess second time is the charm. Seller claims they are blue, but look black. Either way I don't care. Will post pics when they arrive. another pair for you guys http://cgi.ebay.com/EAGLE-PPF-CUSTOM-HOCKE...=item439f3a68d7
  7. I'd take the xxx,xx, and endure myself lol. I liked the way the endure shot when I had one and it was pretty durable as it took a year to break
  8. Stabbed my hand pretty good. Not sure if I'll be able to lift tommorrow
  9. Been trying to find that cage for cheaper than $100. Nice pickup
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/Pro-Stock-Return-NEW-E...=item439d66eeeb maybe these?
  11. reason you gave me a link. THose seem different than mine
  12. Actually he does play his winter season for his high school lol. greech I pm'd you
  13. I have no idea on the model. Not enough pics. For $20, i figured it would be a good time to use peaches. Gonna send these and maybe one other pair there and will post pics when final work on these are done. edit kid I bought em from plays in the ushl so I can understand how beat up they got in 6 months
  14. I kinda have a problem. tried to grab those ppf's dressed as rbk's too ;) These only ran me $20. Peaches is gonna receive a lot of business from me.
  15. Pretty much same here. My bud playing high school puts up ridiculous numbers. He's gonna play at UNH. He pretty much makes everyone look bad
  16. sounds like a sweet leaugue. Playing in a high school league next month........................pretty bad competition
  17. sweet shaft scotty. I have an old a/c lying around somewhere
  18. How long were the tflex shafts. The one I got from you seems really short for a tapered shaft
  19. If you need anything, just give me a shout. It will give me a reason to go and browse :P
  20. Nice pickups. I'm debating whether or not to get the whalers 60's
  21. Member here. He's not on much
  22. thanks guys. Tyson nash prostocks from the coyotes
  23. got these to hold me over until my custom's arrive
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