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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bostonjuniorblackhawks

  1. if you don't understand, you're looking at the wrong website. :P lmfao exactly haha. What did you trade these for? edit I'm assuming sirunsky is written on the cuff? hahah Yes..Sirunsky is written on the cuff. I traded for some old school black and white Nike hockey gloves (they're in the glove pictures). http://hockey.inlinewarehouse.com/attachme...mp;d=1255583166 those gloves on the left? Yeah i know where you got these too. What did you end up trading to get them? I traded a pair of warrior bonafides and $30
  2. haha. What did you trade these for? edit I'm assuming sirunsky is written on the cuff? hahah
  3. Just traded for these. They should be here in about 2 weeks :P
  4. At least you can sell them here and get your money back
  5. In have finals all week and all of the days are full length We had finals last 2 weeks andhad one a day. We went in at 8 and left at 945 in the am everyday. Needless to say my ps3 got a workout 5 hoursA day. I hate my school <_<
  6. In have finals all week and all of the days are full length
  7. That's sweet. I thought I did good at my lhs with xxxx shins for $80. Well it's not like there was even a sale going on. I usually never go to this shop but I guess I will after this experience and the $200 retail s19's maybe I should make the trip from Boston to that shop lol You should. It's worth it for the gas. About 2 hours and change from my house near the LHS to Braintree where I stay when I go to BC and Bruins games. Don't know the time from BT to Boston though what shop did you go to?
  8. 10 min left in the 3rd and they couldn't hold a 2 goal lead................
  9. That's sweet. I thought I did good at my lhs with xxxx shins for $80. Well it's not like there was even a sale going on. I usually never go to this shop but I guess I will after this experience and the $200 retail s19's maybe I should make the trip from Boston to that shop lol You should. It's worth it for the gas. About 2 hours and change from my house near the LHS to Braintree where I stay when I go to BC and Bruins games. Don't know the time from BT to Boston though I plan on making a trip to new haven this summer, so I might as well stop there
  10. That's sweet. I thought I did good at my lhs with xxxx shins for $80. Well it's not like there was even a sale going on. I usually never go to this shop but I guess I will after this experience and the $200 retail s19's maybe I should make the trip from Boston to that shop lol
  11. That's sweet. I thought I did good at my lhs with xxxx shins for $80.
  12. new nb pair from tsr. Improved palm over the bauer xxx's I just got
  13. I was pissed I fell asleep right before the shootout. I love to watch Chara in the shootout.
  14. Where'd you pick up these beauties. PH has an all black pair with bauer in red lettering that's been tempting me.
  15. Bruins past few games...........idk what the hell happened.
  16. when your a gear whore, you look on ebay, craiglist, etc thoroughly. I do this almost every day................sigh
  17. edit good luck to those watching the gloves
  18. when I buy online, it's from my lhs's website most of the time.
  19. That's where I'm sending mine when I need them down. I want to try msh2 lol
  20. how old are those mission boots?
  21. So if the eBay auction from TSR said the XXXs I bought were the pro model, will they have the super thin, non-durable palms or something different? Either way I am looking forward to giving them a shot & having this particular color scheme. Link to the gloves I bought, that should be here tomorrow. These are the nb xxx's so I believe the palms are more durable than the first batch.(TBL correct me if I'm wrong). I have a pair of the bauer xxx's with the thin palms and the nb xxx's should be here today, so I will compare the two palms.
  22. this shit pisses me off some clown stole my all my buddys goalie gear out of the back of his pickup a few years back and he hasn't played since because he can't afford new gear
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