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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Axxion89

  1. To answer your main question, I normally don't ask big retailers for the main reason being that their policies are stated that the prices are firm and also the managers who can make those decision are tougher to get a hold of. Discounts on floor models and damaged goods are often incorporated into a stores policy and can be made by most employees. Also, I don't almost always ask whenever I buy something else at a local store, only when I am purchasing a large amount or something that is lets say a model from 2008. Now as far as the rest of what you said, lets look at a company that competes with a LHS like Hockey Monkey. While they do save money buy getting quantity dicounts, they also have a LOT more expenses. They have larger buildings, more employees, more taxes, and more expenses in general that they have to pay regardless of how much they sell, so they inherit more risk. Also, they have to retain customers in different ways that often cost money such as frequent buyer discounts, easier return policies, and using credit cards on purchases of low amounts. Now that extra few % they save may very well go towards those many expenses, not all of it but much of it does. HM and any big box store really makes their money on volume of sales as you may know. If they don't sell the amounts they do, they lose money. Now I am not defending any big box chains or ripping a local business just stating that just because they are a big company does not mean they have money flowing out of their rears. From what I gather from this thread and speaking with people, the hockey equipment industry is not a cash cow industry. Of all the owners I meet, they are all former players or people who love the sport and not one have I met who was running a LHS because he thought it was going to make him rich. If you want to be rich, sell your store/quit and find a career that will make you rich. I am just stating this because a lot of people are complaining about the poor returns of running a store and how it's not profitable. If you own/work for a LHS then all my respect to you especially if you enjoy the job, love hockey, and love the feeling you get when you sell stuff to players and people/kids starting out. But as someone in the business field, if running a store is a financial and emotional burden, then move onto a different endeavor.
  2. My Philosophy is that it never hurts to ask, but I choose when it is the appropriate time to ask. If I go to a big box or chain retailer, I never ask for a discount unless it is a floor model or damaged and most of the time, I do get a percentage off from big box because I know what will happen if nobody else buys the damaged product or a floor model and the store knows as well. If I buy local, from a LHS lets say, then I would either ask beforehand if there is a quantity discount or if they have any old models they would be willing to knock a price down off of, but I always do it BEFORE I bring it to the register. My reason is because I want the employee/owner to know ahead of time I am asking instead of waiting until the last second which would come across as an insult. Asking earlier will often times work and if it does not, you do not come across negatively. From all the local stores that have given me discounts (some without me asking) know very well that even if they offer a discount where they make no money on an item, it may make a customer loyal and result in large returns in the future in word of mouth advertising, future sales, and other intangible benefits all from knocking a few bucks off a large order or discounting a discontinued item. I have been on both sides of the counter as well, been working retail since I was 15 in all different fields from mom and pop to big box, you will ALWAYS have customers come in and try everything they can to get a discount whether its haggle, ask, or even break or damage a product to try and get it discounted, I have seen it all. As a retailer, it is your decision how you offer discount and whether the benefits of doing so outweigh the costs of the initial discount.
  3. In my experience, the only times I have seen people pay with checks are the elderly (for obvious reasons) and middle aged women. Most stores I know have have abandoned accepting personal checks for the reasons that have been stated and retail stores are insured and protected so they will accept the checks to add convenience and satisfy the customer.
  4. Never had a sublimated jersey before so now I know no dryer for it and thanks JR, I'll have it heat pressed good as new
  5. Put my Summer Jam jersey in the washer/dryer and the logo started to peel, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  6. Hypoglycemia, I get it time to time its annoying but nothing too bad
  7. While I agree, I do believe that someone who has played with experience will know some things or can at least offer a different perspective than someone who is trained. I think I know a fair bit about hockey but I never played contact so I could not give proper insight about how shoulder pads hitting comfort or equipment's reaction to contact.
  8. After 4 years of not touching a gun, I shoot my first highpower match silhouette match since High School and win my class along with shooting 5 in a row chicken and almost pigs. Also got my College Degree in the mail today so overall not a bad day
  9. Its from Viva La Bam extras, the video is there I think just as filler
  10. I love it when new skates break after an hour of use huzzahhh!
  11. In case you wanted to see an APX in half
  12. 1st - Online classes suck 2nd - My new job for summer calls me day before graduation "Oh we need to reschedule orientation because we don't have enough people to fill the minimum" - So another week without working because they can only do orientation once a week and then you start working the next week for a job that is seasonal so it eats into the time I have available to work....dumbasses
  13. Senior Week of drinking and partying with my best friends and graduated today. Summed up the best 4 years of my life, gonna miss it all!
  14. My Haul from the Springfield Falcons Equipment Sale: Reebok 8k Helmet Reebok 7k Pro Elbows Reebok 5k Pro Shoulders 10 Pairs Pro Edge Socks Large Reebok Goalie Knee/Thigh Protectors SHerwood 9950 Goalie Stick Easton SE16 Guite with Ovi Clone Curve CCM CL with Drury Clone Warrior Widow Commodore (Dolomite Repaint)Sakic Curve
  15. Anyone listen to old school metal and rock like Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, etc?? Nothing like pulling into the rink parking lot blasting metal and having all the hockey moms give you that look haha
  16. Nah, floyd rose needed to be set deeper into the guitar, don't know why I never thought to look there in the first place haha
  17. I took me 3 years but I finally took the time to actually fix my guitar which only needed a few turns of an Allen key to fix. My custom strat is finally perfect....3 years after I built it
  18. Equipment sale season coming right around the corner, cannot wait!
  19. Took a nice wrist shot right to the back of my head today, had to leave the game but thankfully no concussion.
  20. My LHS just put up a sign that says "You flex it, you buy it", I haven't asked the owner how it has worked so far but I think it would deter most. When I started playing, I had no idea flexing could break/damage a stick (I would flex just a little to see nothing like a full out bend) but now I know not to.
  21. Bumping an old thread with my custom strat I made myself, labor of love haha Specs of my Strat: Warmoth Body (forget wood type) Original Floating Floyd Rose Seymour Duncan SH-4 in Bridge Seymour Duncan Vintage in Middle Seymour Duncan Hot-Rails in Neck 22 Fret Maple Neck with Jumbo frets Authentic Schaller Tuners (Made in Germany) My setup includes (No pic since its all buried somewhere) B52 AT212 Amp Stock Boss Noisegate 10 Band EQ (forget brand) Hope more MSH members show off their guitars and rigs!
  22. Missed my hockey game because this guy didn't check the website, FML PS - Went to play at a pickup in the next town as a goalie, they have 6...
  23. This is why it would be tough for me to be a parent, and why my dad never put me into sports as a kid, because that guy would have been knocked the hell out no questions asked. People like that are compensating for something they don't have...
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