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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Well, the saga is officially over. I have just been told I am no longer on the team. I guess "Take your time and come back when you’re ready" in September and "It’s your net if you want it" in January didn't actually mean that. I was actually looking forward to it again - the season off did a lot of good for me. But, I guess it's closure either way.
  2. There was talk of expanded rosters just for injuries. It helps that the AHL isn’t playing. There were reports of AHL players being told to be ready to join the big club.
  3. The 70-game schedule would have given the bubble teams a chance too. Oh well. Leave it to the NHL to over complicate it and add a whole extra round instead of other options that exclude teams that don’t deserve a playoff spot, includes teams that were on the bubble, can be done much quicker, and ends up being more fair for everyone overall. But, realistically the 24-team option makes more money so... It’s not surprising.
  4. Oh, bummer. I cut cable also but subscribe to stuff like NHL, HBO, Etc.
  5. They aren’t. They’re posting an image link that renders automatically.
  6. Yeah the format is dumb but it’s nothing unexpected based on all the reports. Oh well.
  7. https://www.tsn.ca/nhl-planning-24-team-return-in-2-hub-cities-new-draft-lottery-format-1.1479427
  8. You joke but... ... I don’t think it’s too far off. A fishbowl with filters on the bottom half is probably pretty much what they’d be doing if I were to guess.
  9. Fixed the thread title for you. "Looking For!!" isn't exactly descriptive.
  10. Weird that you reacted to my post with "haha". What was funny about it? The 70 game solution is fair across the board.
  11. What a dumb format. My 70-game schedule format was much better, and much more fair for everyone. https://ipv6freely.com/the-case-for-the-70-game-nhl-season/
  12. Oh, nope. I’m the one that mis-understood. Oops.
  13. Whole bunch of companies are doing these too. Sparx is doing face shields too. Rebirth sports is making masks. One of the hockey companies, I can’t remember who, is making scrubs. Im making a couple hundred masks to donate as well.
  14. I have no suggestions for you if True isn’t an option. At that point just go to your LHS and get fitted. Maybe go custom Bauer or CCM.
  15. I liked the Pro Kane tacki-mac a lot. Way thinner than the retail tacki-macs. Also the smaller knob if I recall. Recently though I switched back to just making a small knob and covering it with stretch wrap. Thinnest option, great grip, no palm wear, and can be replaced quickly, easily, and cheaply.
  16. Hopefully not any time soon. Stuff is already opening up way too soon as it is.
  17. Man, Havasupai is really screwing people over. Obviously they're closed right now, as they should be. They have no hospitals and if the virus hits there they are pretty screwed. But the handling of reservations is... not ideal. It sucks for them because their income is pretty much 100% tourism, so this is kicking their ass. I feel for them. That said... The LOGICAL thing to do would be to give everyone the same date next year. That is fair for absolutely everyone. Instead, every month they're basically letting the people who had reservations that month (eg. currently the May 2020 people) reschedule their stay for ANY date in 2021. So basically, by being one of the people who had a reservation in the best month of the year as far as weather there (September), I'm going to be picking my new dates near the end of the list once there is nothing left because the people who reserved crappy dates (April/May) took all the good ones already. What a mess. And I thought their BOOKING system was a disaster!
  18. Swap the rivets for screws like the old graf skates had.
  19. Okay. Back to Verbero now, please.
  20. I've never been into a Harbour Freight. And long story, but the owner threatening to find you and kick your ass will do that to you 🤡 Plus the hilarious "pro level" claims on all the junk from aliexpress they slap their logo onto. And the general low quality of everything they make (their socks and bags especially). There's an entire thread on this site about them. They're no different from all the other junk cheap stick companies you see pop up, for the most part. But this thread is about Verbero, which is why I was hoping they were no longer associated.
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