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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Picture not loading. What image hosting site did you use?
  2. Even worse is that people are getting upset about it. I backed a project on Kickstarter last fall and when they sent out a notification about the shutdown until the 17th, the people in the comments went nuts. I mean, its bad enough that you don't understand how crowdfunding works (they think its a shopping site?) but you can't accept a delay due to an entire country basically shutting down for a coronavirus? Get real.
  3. As some of you know, I stopped playing in my league after the first couple games because of how ridiculous the league had gotten. Between our team rarely being able to ice a full lineup (and even then, most of it was the guys we brought up from rookie division), and the fact that they dissolved the division above us and many of those guys joined teams on our division (except ours) and absolutely lit up the league (7 of the top 10 scoring was new this season) it had gotten just not worth the hour or so drive to get there. I told the captain I just needed some time away and he said no problem and to let him know when I want to come back. The season is now finishing up and the captain asked if I wanted to come back. I told him I'd think about it. Then I talked to some of my teammates, and they all said the same thing. For example, keeping in mind that this is coming from one of the most happy-go-lucky people I've ever met: So it clearly hasn't gotten better. I wrote what I thought was a well thought out message to the league director asking what his plans were since he knows it's a problem, and basically asking him for help in determining what I should do: I don't know, I don't think what I asked was all that unreasonable. But I guess he did. His reply: Whoa. Okay. That... not only is super douchebaggy but I guess it also clarifies what I'll be doing going forward. I mean, even if its a case where he does plan to do something about it and doesn't want to hear from the peanut gallery about it, he could have said "if you have complaints, have your captain present them" (even though I'm technically not even on a team at this point and therefore have no captain). So I made my reply simple: So I'm just using this thread to warn people who might be considering playing in Carlsbad CA that the league is poorly run. I could almost accept the terrible ice if the director gave a damn, but with that not being the case I guess I'll play elsewhere. And I recommend others do the same.
  4. Oh my god, we just discovered Littlekenny and we’re laughing so hard 😂
  5. It’s different if the money goes to the team.
  6. Screw that. I’d NEVER pay for pickup. Goalies are supposed to pay in one of the leagues here (but only at one, the rest are all free), but I just... don’t. I just stopped paying.
  7. You also don’t want to bake at home unless you really know what you’re doing and just based on the fact that you made this thread at all... yeah, go to your LHS
  8. If that’s CAD, it’s not bad at all. Theres a reason goalies don’t normally pay for league fees 😉
  9. Not really, whatever is comfortable to you. They all have some various features but it comes down to comfort. I also personally don’t like the internal belts and always remove them and use suspenders. I wear my chesty over my suspenders, though many people tuck their chesty into their pants and put the suspenders over top. Do whichever is more comfortable to you, though the latter approach means you need pants big enough to accommodate. So when trying pants on, either bring your chesty from home or just be sure to put one on in the store.
  10. Merged the two threads that are pretty much the same thing by the same user.
  11. Wow, they actually said that? I didn’t get far enough on their site to see that. CCM should probably do something about that. Even with a different spelling, if it’s phonetically the same then they would have a pretty good case. Not that this company needs CCM suing them for them to fail.
  12. +1 for Swiftwick. Aspire Four for me, personally. The double compression cuff definitely helps with abrasion from the top of my skates, too.
  13. It's already been discussed quite a bit in the gear sightings thread.
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