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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hollowicked

  1. I have Mako 2 and durability has been great. No issues at all with the skates. Took me a couple sessions to get used to the holder but once I did I loved the skates.
  2. Great product, something so simplistic and it actually works. I ordered them with my skates being listed as mako and they sent me the new inserts they had specifically for makos. They are a smaller profile to fit the shallow toe box
  3. I have a click noise as well, mine appears to be coming from the screw on the front right holder. I checked it and it seems tight. Next step is some blue loctite
  4. fwiw I went from 8ee apx to 7.5ee in mako but you can never be sure until you try them on, even more so with the mako's they felt awful to me until they were baked.
  5. I know the step for the mako is more neutral then stock mako steel but is the radius still 9' or is it 10'?
  6. They came out great, Im interested to hear how you think they fit compared to makos.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. I just got back from a shinny type game which was my 1st game situation with the mako's. It was like night and day compared to when I did the stick and puck. I had them re sharpened and they felt so natural. Still not convinced they originally sharpened to the 5/8's they felt way to sharp which may of been causing the choppy feeling I was getting while stopping.
  8. Thanks for the replies, I came from ls3 steel. I will try to have them sharpened again possibly going shallower then 5/8. I plan to get a few more skates in before any actual game use.
  9. Did a stick and puck session last night to try and get a feel for the skates before our league starts up next week. Both positive and negative emotions after the skate. Positives were the boots themselves. Super comfortable, great top end speed, starts and turning. The negative, felt like I was learning to skate again in terms of stopping. I got my normal 5/8 cut but could not stop. Was chattering on the ice and felt like I was catching my toe and almost rolling my ankle. Just out of curiosity how long did it take everyone to transition to the cxn holders? I was planning and hitting a few more sessions to try and get up to speed.
  10. I went to total hockey last night and tried on a pair of Mako 2's, I put my foot in them and they were so uncomfortable. After I got them baked wow what a difference they were a whole new skate. I read many reviews how well they mold but until you actually try them you dont truly understand how true that is. I also picked up a set of step steel as well to have as my extra steel.
  11. Those who have the step steel, Does the extra steel on the toe take away from the aggressive forward lean and make the skate a little more neutral then stock?
  12. hope the original toe is still an option
  13. They are amazing, I have the reebok branded pro stock 11k's and by far they are the best gloves I have owned.
  14. Curious to see the push back from the helmet companies saying the testing was flawed or will they accept and adapt to it going forward.
  15. wow, the lines are very impressive. Great to see a company thinking outside of the box and coming up with some new features to the protective market.
  16. I never had full customs but for over counter I have been very impressed with the CCM insoles.
  17. Skate: Bauer Vapor APX2 8D Foot Type: Narrow heel average to a little wide but nothing drastic forefoot Ht./Wt.: 6 200 lbs. Play Level: A/B level adult league. Center/LW Previous skates worn: Vapor 7.0 and tried nxg's but realized they were the wrong boot for my foot I know I may be a little late to the party on the APX2 review with the line being out for a while now but figured I sing the praises for this skate since I enjoyed it so much. I skated Bauers my whole life but tried to experiment with other brands (graf ccm) before coming back to Bauers. I quickly learned what is right and wrong boot wise for my foot. I tend to be rather hard on my skates so the stiff boot of the APX2 was perfect for me. Fit (9.5/10) Skates fit me great right out of the box and were basically like slippers once baked. I have no complaints. Only reason they did not get the full 10 is because I have an odd spot on my foot and that was my area of discomfort but eventually went away. Depth- Depth was perfect for my foot I passed the pencil test no problems. I will say the new lacing does take away a little depth. Also attempted to use superfeet but they took up some depth as well so opted to stick with stock footbed. Width- I had no issues with the boot when it comes to width, I know some people tend to think the vapor line is too narrow but it does open up a little in the forefoot and it was perfect for me. Toe Cap- Great toe cap it seemed wider then the one I had on my 7.0's and it was a great improvement. Comfort- Hands down this boot was one of the best I had when it comes to immediate comfort. They really were slipper like post baking. I love the toe flaps on the footbed very nice touch when it comes to adding a little extra comfort. Also the liner was soft and supple no issues here. The comfort edge after were a very welcoming addition for me I had a spot on my upper ankle that was an area that rubbed on my 7.0's Blade/Holder (9.5/10) I love the Tuuk lightspeed edge holders! I was very skeptical at first that they could improve my turning but once on the ice I noticed quicker turns. I am not a fan of the steel though, I get it they are light and kids love picking up the skates in the pro shop and going i want this one its the lightest. For me id rather the ls2 or ls3 that holds and edge longer. I really wish I could get a set of Step for this holder but Bauer kinda locked down the market with patents. Weight (10/10) Amazing skate in terms of weight, TO may be a tad lighter but nothing I noticed on the ice. Also swapped the steel to ls2's so picked up a few oz there but well worth it to me as id rather the steel then the fusions. Protection (10/10) I have blocked a few shots off the boot and felt pretty much nothing. The curv composite does a great job of protecting the foot. With that being said I would not want to line up and full clapper into the boot unless I had some skate fenders but overall very impressed. Durability (9.5/10) The paint they used has a few scuffed spots and marks but that is just cosmetic. The integrity of the book is solid all around. Stitching it top notch and have not had any issues at all when it comes to the durability of the boot other then the few scuffs. Performance (10/10) Getting in a boot that properly fits is the key and with this skate I gained so much in the form of performance. My top end speed has improved, lateral cuts and turns. I never have had a skate so responsive. I skate the motion and the skate just finishes it. Hard to explain but once you get these on your feet immediately your skating confidence improves. Overall Assessment (98%) I found my skates hopefully for a long time. Once the new line drops I hope to pick up another pair or even 2 on clearance to have. I cant sing the praises of this boot enough. BOTTOM LINE- IF you have the money and the boots fits your foot dont think twice. The skate is just amazing. Bauer hit a home run with these no doubt.
  18. I just got my tickets in for the Flyers Kings game on the 28th which is pretty sweet but not the reason for my post, After the game we have a men's league game on the ice at the Wells Fargo Center. Pretty pumped for my chance to play on the ice
  19. I am very interested in a pair of these but the durability issues with the tendon guard seems to be popping up frequently, Think I may hold out too see it gets all straightened out.
  20. Background 6' 220lbs LW/C Mens league B Timeframe: 10 sessions Aesthetics: Warrior has done a great job here with the classic black and silver colorway. I really like the direction they are heading with their sticks and product lines. 10/10 Weight/balance: The DT1 has 'True 1' technology which is a true one piece stick and not a fused 2 pcs. This allows the stick to have great balance as well as being light. On par with other top of the line sticks. 10/10 Performance: The flex point is very low on the stick and shots seems to load and release very quickly. Warrior flex profile for me personally took a little getting used to due to the fact I have been playing with mid kick sticks mostly. Once dialed in the stick was very accurate and the puck went right where I wanted it to go. I also very much enjoyed the diamond grip. It put grip in focus areas without being overly tacky. Its a great mix of feel and grip. 9/10 Puck handling: The blade on this stick seemed very stiff but in a good way. It had good puck feel while staying closed while shooting and not opening up. Some people may find it a little too stiff if you are not used to a stiff blade and it could cause some issues on receiving passes. All in all though I enjoyed it. 9/10 Durability: Durability has been great so far other then a gouge in the stick blade. It appears to be a nick from a skate and is no fault of the stick just comes along with playing the game. No marks at all on the shaft, no peeling of the diamond grip which has been an issue in previous grip sticks I have used. I am not very hard on my sticks most of my breakage comes from cracked blades but so far so good. 9/10 Conclusion: Warrior is so confident we the consumers will love it they've offered the 30 day unconditional guarantee If you don't like it, you can return it. To me this meant the company really stood behind their product and for me that goes a long way. This is my 1st warrior stick and I see more in my future. 46/50 If your in the market for a low kick stick I really suggest giving this line a look.
  21. Palms look like super soft, Cant wait to try a pair
  22. Jr, I lost a set of my tongue inserts for my nxg's do you know if the mx3 ones will be sold individually?
  23. I hope someday they put out a VN version of the krown, I know they produce them pro stock would love to see it come to retail.
  24. Helmet: Bauer 5100, always seems to revert back to Vn helmets Visor: Hockey tron straight cut Shin pads: Easton Mako ( new addition, sadly after 14yrs my 8090's are cracked) Pants: CCM MHP520 Shoulder pads: Sherwood Classic Elbow pads: Reebok 11k Skates: Bauer Totalone Nxg Gloves: Warrior Franchise Stick: Easton RS2
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