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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hehatemefrisbee

  1. From the image it looks like its still usable, but man they did not give a shit about doing damage. Taking copper rivets off can be a pain, and you usually have to use some kind of hammer and chisel set up. However, whenever I did it I was always careful, especially on inlines, to not to any damage. Some paint may come off here and there, but it looks like they really went to town, and probably hit it too hard, cracking it in the process. Id put some super glue in the cracked area and hope for the best.
  2. Saw the skates this weekend at Total Roller in Novi MI. Very impressed with what you guys have! all the skates look great, especially CA9 and CA7
  3. Yeah not feeling work today. I am too hungover for this shit
  4. I would leave the tears. Shows they are game used
  5. Yeah one tourney and a league game. They are great wheels. Grip well, have good speed. Im a fan. All of my teammates that have them seem to say the same things. I think the biggest thing that I could say is that I dont notice them. Which means I dont think about wheels while im playing, just worry about playing, if that makes sense.
  6. i never had issues, but got the week free anyway
  7. I for one loved that mission. Ive felt like doing that when waiting in line at where it takes place! (trying not to spoil)
  8. HAHAHAHA The rink staff all know that kid. We call him Ovie. Kid is a nice guy, but just brutal. His latest thing was his self modified helmet. He took his cage and cut out the grid that would be around his eyes, and put his stupid mirrored visor inside of his cage. It is ridiculously bad looking haha. that pic is just classic Ovie.
  9. Do they not sell tape in what? first, learn english, secondly, yes, i taped my socks, but the taped rolled up on me.
  10. Fucking right sock kept falling down all game
  11. gotcha, i watched your game against the girls that work with us the other night. close game
  12. i like the downtown drugs jersey. Who do you play for? Im a manager at the MP Ice Arena.
  13. Steve, are you able to attach the spinner on a blademaster? I would assume not, but it would be great if you could.
  14. dude you played for WBHS? I managed the shop at OLSM
  15. Its really hard to do 5hole. You need to make sure you have a VERY experienced person with a dremel mount your chassis. I have done countless mounts, and I still would be nervous to do it myself. Personally, you are better off going with a vanguard, or any other hi-lo chassis. Its alot easier, and the person mounting will be less likely to fuck it up.
  16. Mike, I wouldnt do it. You are better off just getting a regular hi-low chassis, or a sprung and putting it on the one90. The Hummer is a great chassis, its just too damn difficult to mount with having to dremel boots. The soles on high end skates are just too thin.
  17. 4 vs 4 for inline, and we have a guy missing in that pic. We just have 2 sets of D, 2 sets of F. We like it like that. It makes for good chemistry, and we all like to play alot, so it works out. I mean we all play about half the game.
  18. thanks! this is our second season. We have some pretty talented kids on the roster. 3 of the players played for OLSM, who won the MI state championships 2 years in a row.
  19. Im number 19. Playing some D, lining up before the faceoff. and the team pic (im the last on the right, back row.)
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