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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by syinx

  1. Speaking of built-in shot protection (tongues and quarter panels). These are the VHs my friends and I all chipped in for as a birthday gift to a buddy. He volunteer coaches 3 times a week and has been wearing the same pair of beat-up One95s since they were released. Could never afford new skates. Here's to another few years! :)
  2. Also if anyone has a copy of the VH foot tracing form, that'd be great - the links on their site doesn't work.
  3. Is the current VH pricing still in CDN?
  4. Did a couple photoshop edits of my buddies and I, in the style of Player's Tribune's Elite Snipers 101 Article.
  5. Yeah. Don't crank the laces. Lace them snug, perhaps even just a touch loose, and then tight at the ankles for support.
  6. Converted a handful of my buds and use them myself in my VH skates. Nothing but good feedback and adoration. (I even snuck a pair in my combat and parkour boots and they work so well!)
  7. Six of my creations (I am on the far left) that were rocked during Halloween and will be rocked at the Star Wars Episode 7 Premiere. (Side note, got tickets for opening night!) Made everything, from the outfits to the lightsaber props.
  8. Wait 'til you see the fiancee's photoset :D
  9. Skills clinic with a bunch of buds.
  10. Finished off a huge 6-month project culminating my abilities as a prop and costume maker, visual artist and photographer into a 2-character portfolio, dubbed the Yavin Project. Hopefully will be doing 4 more sets of these. Your's truly and my buddy Barry in traditional Jedi Garb.
  11. Tendon Guard: There's a little bit of give but only enough to increase your range of motion. It's not as flexible as the Mako Tongue: It will stiffen up the tongue a little bit but it's not something someone of your weight and strength can't deal with. I'm 5' 8" and 145 and it's really not an issue. Someone else will correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no way you're going to get flop out of the VH Skates/it's not recommended. It's counterproductive considering the purpose of the boot is a full-wrap. Toe Cap: Increased durability - it's a hard impact plastic overlay that protects the monocoque carbon toe that was prone to spiderweb cracks beforehand.
  12. Hey bud. I'm in Vancouver. The dealer simply takes your measurements and orders them in through VH themselves, so I'd say cut out the middle-man and just order them in yourself. You can get the sushi (try Tojo's) and dimsum (try Sun Sui Wah on Main and 23rd Av.) some other time at your own leisure.With regards to features, the coated eyelets are a good call, as are the new tendon guard as well as the new toe cap. The tongues are fairly thick though if you want some extra padding, the enhanced metatarsal guard works really well, and I've got that on mine. If the skate is built to your tracings and pictures you're not likely to have depth issues. If you like the stancing on your Grafs, do inform Rob of that in your e-mail and they will install heel lifts if necessary. I was used to skating in Makos with a very aggressive pitch and got a 1/8 inch heel lift as well as a +2 forward pitch on my runners profiled in - and that's because I swapped over to the LS Edge holder for convenience. It is perfectly possible to get Graf holders and runners installed at request, so if the trigger-release of the default Edge holder isn't too enticing, simply request the holders you are used to. Cheers.
  13. I went from Bauers to Makos, which changed the way I skated completely - stancing, tempo, stride length, and by the time I got into my VHs I was definitely a much more "complete" skater. The VH had the fit and mobility of Makos with the protection and support of Bauers. I've definitely become a much better player being able to skate more freely as well as not really be afraid to block the shots and play my game.
  14. It's intentional. It's been redesigned to fit the "sleeker" new styling. ^ This guy.
  15. Girlfriend just got her first pair. Loving the blue stitching.
  16. No kidding. I built myself a relic'd Stratocaster and I get to that point where I wonder if I should've just Rory Gallagher'd it at let my sweat do the relic job and saved me some effort.
  17. According to Rob, the enhanced tongue can't be embroidered.
  18. I'm not entirely sure, but there was something off during my stride. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I swapped to LS Edge holders on both my Makos and Mako IIs. No idea. Rob just built them into the boot for me.
  19. There was just something about the feel of CXNs I wasn't a big fan of. Plus I travel a lot and carry extra steel with me and the availability of Edge runners just made life easier.
  20. Just received my new VH skates. Rob was a miracle worker once again and accommodated me immensely with regards to the qualms I had with my previous pair. I didn't think VH Skates could fit better, but here they are: Specs: - Junior Size Priced Skate, new toecap - Enhanced Tendon Guard - New Enhanced Tongue - LS Edge Holder, LS3 Runners (Profiled to 11' +1 Forward Pitch) - 1/8" Heel Lift built into skate Modifications: - Built off of a smaller last than my actual skate size. The wrap of my first pair of VH Skates were incredible, but completely hampered my forward flex no matter how much I heated and bent the top 3 eyelets outward. Rob suggested building the skate off a smaller foot last, thereby reducing the volume at the ankle and giving me more forward flex (I likened it to how Bauer built their boot ankles in that the wrap came from laces more than material), while maintaining that gorgeous wrap around the rest of my feet. - The smaller last also slimmed up the areas around my midfoot and arch and felt much snugger and more wrapped, a lot like my old Mako skates. - The enhanced tongue was chosen to compensate for the lacebite that could arise from my preferred ankle wrap, as well as giving me a "diving board" tongue that snaps back into place after I've flexed into it. - I asked for no logo nor embroidery to give the skate a more minimalistic look. These feel even better than my old pair. Rob was even kind enough to source light blue laces for me when I asked. It's the little things in life. ;)
  21. Out of curiosity, how many of you use waxed laces on these skates, and how many of you don't? Also, did you use/not use waxed laces on previous pairs?
  22. I'm actually getting mine shipped within the next two weeks, and I fall into Junior sizing as well.
  23. Probably really, really doesn't.
  24. Jesse is the man. He did mine too. :D
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