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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. I haven't seen the new Speed Blade 4.0 available for seperate purchase, yet, as I want that holder and steel for my Reebok 16K skates.
  2. I read the point someone wanted to know that "Scott was here". I dunno- I'd rather have a signature. Like on the old Marshall amps, Jim Marshall would start covering cabinets whilst having a fit of insomnia, and he would sign the inside of the cabinet. I think I would be disappointed enough to reject that pair of skates based on the glue streaks. I may have alluded to possibly not rejecting; however, I was pretty peeved about a few skipped details on an item I paid considerably less but was hand made. I can't imagine how I would have reacted to glue streaks on an $800 pair of skates.
  3. Saw a few on eBay. I want new ones, preferably made by Eagle Hockey in natural (tan) goat leather. I suppose I could ask Gus if he would make me a pair.
  4. Does that pair have the shot blocker panels on the back rolls? Is that an extra layer of foam and some plastic? I seem to be playing D and want as little to be afraid of when blocking shots is why I ask. I will be ordering new gloves in a couple of months and I want to know what to order.
  5. That blog made me want one of those helmets so much that I bought one. I may make a mould and build my own, as this one, while it looks good on the e bay ad, may be past it's sell-by date...
  6. Found some and I was NOT disappointed. Thanks for the recommendation.
  7. Read this blog: http://jofahelmets.blogspot.com/2011/05/397.htmlNot my blog, BTW. Lots of good information, especially if you want it to look like Selanne's Jofas.
  8. I probably would have initially felt the same if I saw what you show in the pix. But then again, 9/10 of my shoes have adhesive in odd places. I don't reject based solely on that.
  9. I'm a Riptide Rush bloke, myself; sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't. My flavour won a Superbowl, not that it means much to me. I don't understand American Football...
  10. I can't see the imperfections, but it isn't my $850 bones, either. Very attractive boots, matey!
  11. Haven't seen that flavour in this locale. I will give it a whirl when I see it.
  12. What has happened with lower prices is that people who care will not work for you. In the case of laundry detergent, lower prices work; but the uninformed parent doesn't make well-informed purchase decisions in a place where the lowest-paid employee works.
  13. Today, the weather is nice enough to hang my gear outside!!!! Sunday morning pick up had TWO goalies show up. I hope the local rink does it NEXT Sunday!!!! 3-on-3 with two subs was fast-paced and a crap load of fun.
  14. Back in the old days, you wore supplemental ankle protection for your skates if you were a defenceman. Of course the defenceman ankle protection offered back in the old days was slightly better than the boots themselves. I still don't feel that modern skates offer wonderful shot blocking protection. I blocked a shot with my 16K and it stung on my toes. Nothing's broken, but I howled like an American Idol contestant. I may just start making composites again starting with a toe shot blocker to supplement my Skate Fenders (great product IMO).
  15. Today, I poke checked several danglers. While I might not be able to chase down break aways, I can play one-on-one. As a side note- the instruction from my figure skating instructor has helped me by leaps and bounds.
  16. Go to the Eagle website, contact Gus, and he'll get them going for you. Pricing depends on the dealer. Ask Gus what all he can do. I know goat skin comes in natural and black, but it may come in a few other colours I am unaware about. My wife got them for me for X-mas, so I have no idea where they came from or how much. But Gus will get you sorted.
  17. You will love it more as you won't be replacing it like you do Windows machines. #lovemymac
  18. And that's what I got with my home brew curve. Jury's out if it helps my game, but my clearing passes certainly aren't poached quite as easily. My slap shot, however, is QUITE suspect...
  19. Or do what some may actually be doing: buy from there, take advantage of ridiculous bargains and curse yourself for doing so! j/k
  20. For the princely sum of $7.00 (cost of the blade), I brewed my own curve. I doubt I made anything new, but it's new to me. I used to brew my own curves 100 years ago, lol. Who knows if it works or not, but it was a cheap experiment. I took an Iginla curve, opened up the toe, curved the heel, and made a generally twisty curve. It could fail miserably, or I could end up doing this to every single Iginla curve I own. I am hoping for puck clearing ability, some good saucer passing, and a lofty shot. I hope two piece sticks with wood blades never go away...
  21. Had to do a Pete Townshend on my veggie steamer- new fangled crap electronic timer would not cooperate, so I swung it by the cord and smashed it on the concrete. Much less expensive than doing it to a Les Paul. Got out a bit of frustration; maybe this should be on the Sweet Spot thread... ;)
  22. Fun pix!!! Don't grind off the paint- you will SERIOUSLY damage the aluminium shaft. Instead, use a chemical paint remover (Citrustrip or similar), then polish. You may not be able to get rid of the battle scars without destroying the stick. You could fill the dents, nicks, etc. with Bondo and paint the stick silver (or whatever colour you desire). PlastiDip falls off; but you could get some of that soft paint. Alsa Corp makes a cool system; however, you need the capabilities of a full-on body shoppe to apply it. Thanks for the trip down memory lane with the pix of your gear!
  23. Friday, I outworked a very, very good player along the boards and was given a shove after I moved the puck out of the defensive zone. I had considered it a compliment. When I had last played twenty years plus back, I was always more of a defensive forward, and now my new role as defenseman is starting to actually prevent a goal or good play develop. I'm still a crappy skater, and I have lost many steps in a twenty plus year hiatus. By no means am I Barret Jackman or Al Mc Innis. But on occasion, I do win a battle along the boards, and that was my sweet spot on Friday.
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