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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. Blocked a shot that was so hard that it flopped the tongue out of the shin guard. I am thinking Sherwood 5030 shins may not be the best ones. We will have to see what the bruise situation looks like... OUCH!!!
  2. And I am actually considering one of those Bulldog LP kits. I have seen some REALLY nice builds from those. You pay for them (especially if you want a one piece neck, real figured top rather than veneer over unfigured maple top, etc.), but I have seen a few really, really nice ones built. I would probably see if I couldn't find an NOS maple neck with maple fingerboard and build a Zakk Wylde replica, minus Gibson inlay and even not do the peg head. My favourite pu in an LP? An EVH Frankenstein, as it is a PAF rip off.
  3. I didn't get arrested or the crap beat out of me at that short notice gig!!! Bloody facking hell!!! My frontman started in on a bloke and got us kicked out!!!! Fack me!!!
  4. 1/2 hr notice mini gig w/old friends... Weirdness!!!!
  5. My figure skating coach has said how far I came after she took me on. I am actually thinking of figure skating to help me get better on ice!!!!!
  6. Good onya for going in for your friend. I hope you got a few taps on the dashers for that alone. If not, I will tap the dashers for you the next time I hit the ice... I would hope that some people got some balls and complained to the league against said gorilla. He needs to be stopped. That sh** is TOTALLY UNNECESSARY!!!! I was horse collared by some Richard Cranium type heir to the Massengill Empire and was very happy when the bloke with the Rollie Fingers mustache went after that D-bag. That shirt lifter (the dirty player) had the nerve to complain about people reacting to his shenanigans. Really?!?!? Rollie Fingers Mustache bloke got a well deserved bottle of Parrot Bay Rum for his heroics... Good luck in getting better. If there is ANY justice in the world, something happens to that goon. But please take care of yourself, matey. If you come to my area to play, we will treat you to a red carpet welcome!!!!
  7. The biggest thing about the '59 'burst is that there were not many made. Yes, they are great axes, but what made them special was the sheer lack of numbers. People forget that the LP was discontinued for a short time in favour of the SG (which was the LP replacement). Multi-ply lamination is the ONLY way to make a 335; as if it were carved, the guitar would cost $10k in it's simplest form. What people don't remember, either is that it takes so long for solid pieces of wood to NOT want to be a tree any longer. Let's face it- multi piece necks and bodies are FAR more stable than larger pieces of wood!!! it's also cheaper... The biggest part of why the modern ones are better IS the fact that the wood is dried better than in the past. It just seemed that QC was far better in '95-99, and 1992 LP's are very nice, as well. But 9/10 guitars made in the past 25 years are better than the oldies, quality-wise speaking. Manufacturing process are simply better.
  8. IMO, between '95-99 was when Gibson made their best guitars, though anything done after 1988 was better than 1969-1987. Can you say ten piece body (from the pancake body era)?
  9. I could buy and sell those (with the maple neck and boards) every day for $500 until Zakk Wilde and Buckethead started to play those guitars. Then they jumped in value!!!!
  10. As far as my current guitar gear goes, everything is either something I have built or rescued from the dead. My pride and joy is a Les Paul Studio that was airbrushed with my old Muse (namesake for the "B" side of my single "Holla (fo a Dolla)" ), was stolen, then repainted and otherwise mutilated, but I brought it back from the dead, and it has a rare maple neck! I also have a mahogany Wolfgang-shaped body with a Warmoth LP (boat back) birds eye maple neck, and I painted it pink and it says "Cotton Candy is Tasty" (long story about Cotton Candy), with a Duncan Custom Custom and a 1980's Floyd Rose on it. My rig was a Pod Pro with a rack mount tube power section and a Mesa Boogie 4x10" cabinet. Now I play through an Epiphone Valve Jr. I had heavily modded. I used to own a '67 335ES, a '54 Strat and several Les Paul Customs (including one identical to what Ace Frehley played back in the day), but the economy called and wanted to steal my stuff. My tour didn't pan out like I had thought it would have and had to liquidate :(
  11. It is a laugh when someone wears 99 with a silly name; but annoying if the guy uses his own name.
  12. After blocking a pass with my cup and giving the puck away several times, I became enraged and played better. Am I Bobby Orr? No. But I can piss off the danglers on occasion. Vent became sweet!!!!
  13. Blocked a pass with my cup. Then I gave away the puck several times. But then I slammed my stick onto the ice in frustration. However, me being fired up ended up with breaking good offensive plays. When the young turks get pissed off, life is GOOD. Second half needs to be in the sweet spot...
  14. It would seem to be the right thing to do to nip this in the bud, because as it stands, Tron's rep is toast.
  15. "Mustang Sally" is a nightmare tune when played in a bar band, and it usually goes on for waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. For me, Wilson Pickett is the ONLY person who should sing that song, and it should have gone to his grave when he died. "Mustache Sally", "Brown Eyed Squirrel", and "Love Shack" are songs that NEVER need to be played in a bar band EVER again!!!
  16. I dunno- I probably wouldn't get to this thread if I were the new head of Tron. I would just monitor and make certain the offending employee never posted on here again representing Tron and threaten legal action if s/he did. Sometimes, you can get into more of a bugaboo if you come in after something like this when it wasn't on your watch. If the new head changes direction, we will soon see it; people will say how great Tron is, and the bad comments will be in far, far back pages, if not gone completely from our collective minds.
  17. I play drums!!! DW Collectors in Blue Glass: 12x9" mounted 14x12" floor 16x14" floor 21x16 floor 22x18" kick DW Collectors in Red Velvet: 10x8" mounted 12x10" mounted 14x12" floor 16x14" floor 22x18" kick Too many snares. Cymbals: 14" Paiste 602 SE reissue Hats 16" Paiste Alpha Medium Crash, special order Colorsound white w/red labels 18" Paiste Slipknot Hyper Crash 20" Paiste Signature Bright Ride re-hammered and lathed by ME 10" Sabian SR2 splash
  18. Got my Junkyard stuff today- I know I was a bloody pest and it seemed to take forever (didn't take that long), but the stuff is in my furry paws and I am bloody well over the moon!!!!! Thanks, Marcelo for putting up with me. If this club/ team gets off the ground, you're going to hear more from me (if you'll do bidniss with me).
  19. Have faith, Opti- you may find another team. Keep your pecker (nose) up.
  20. Skating backwards into the D zone, I caught an edge (ice was very snowy), fell backwards, and hit myself square on the back of the head AND tailbone. Then my nose bled. My head is kinda hurting, too. Gotta be at work in an hour... :( And since it was so close timewise, the editor has me answering Franko's post here: Good onya. Again, explain to your mum that you can get hurt playing ANY sport and that hockey is no worse than any other sport. Just don't let her read my previous post ;)
  21. Franko- Keep on her and get your Dad on your side. This is the only way to do it.
  22. A very wonderful woman helped me get out of the friend zone; in fact she was my wing woman. We were strictly platonic (as she was a lesbian), but noticed I was lacking game so much that she helped me out. She was freaking awesome and could get the girls to notice me quicker than a fly descends on feces. G'd bless her, she's no longer with us. I wanted her as my best man this last wedding...
  23. Umm hmm. But I remember a bird who was in the friend zone (her insistence) getting soooo mad with me when I kicked her to the curb when I scored myself a shagmate!!!! She was acted like a child when the lady friend got involved to the point of sabotage!!!! I ended up breaking it off with BOTH of them. I am so glad I have a "4" as the first number in my age, rather than a "1" of "2".
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