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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. Wow. It kills me when I hear small shoppe keepers lament about how the internet is killing their sales, but then I see the knowledgeable sales people get replaced with tools like you have written about. When you have a better chance of making an informed purchase decision on line rather than in store, it is no wonder that the 'net is killing the bricks and mortar store.
  2. Watching old Stanley Cup games on the NHL Network. Right now it's the '80 Cup final (Isles vs. Flyers). Wow- never saw so many Gretzky style Jofa helmets and even Mikita helmets, not to mention the no helmet players. Then, there's Butch Goring's helmet!!!! Billy Smith is wearing a Jofa with an HM30.
  3. Got both my custom Converse (to match my Raging Rabbits colours) AND my pro stock Kariya blade... Today is an okay day.
  4. Part of me wants to see if anti-fog works. It isn't horrible; just have to wipe it between shifts.
  5. I liked my Avision Ahead, but ultimately, the lens ends up fogging. It took six months of playing 3x per week. It is replaceable, and if I get into a league that requires HECC certification on cages/visors, I will replace the lens.
  6. G is more than likely Grande, or Large.
  7. Yeah- I kvetched about a clapper in my numbers; but the sweet spot is that working on my shot in the back garden is starting to pay off despite it being with light inline pucks. I am finally learning how to shoot with composite sticks. When I hear a positive "thunk" on the goaler's pads, I know that something is happening with that puck...
  8. Hells no!!!!I was the skinny kid who got really, really fat when he turned 19!!!! I had to slowly get into a routine and slowly peel off the layers of fat. It is NOT an overnight process, and most of us have to fight it for the rest of our lives.
  9. The Price Is Right without Bob Barker. Bob Barker is the KING of that show. Drew Carey should be buried to his waist and stoned to death for sullying the sacred show known as The Price Is Right.
  10. Praying for your mum, matey!!!! Having been a hair dresser for the last quarter of a century- a new do will make you jump faster, turn quicker, and make you spray more snow each stop!!!!Enjoy the new found freedom, matey!!!!!! xxxxxxxx Latest sweet spot posting- Power skating lessons are working a BLOODY TREAT!!!!! There is a bloke who has been cursing himself for my ability to push him off of the play and win the battle in the corner. Yeah- a kitten would laugh at my shot, but I still can win the corner battles like I did back in the day!!!! Yay me!!!!!!!
  11. While I use a cold blow dryer to dry out my skates, I will fill the exposed holes. My skates do have other drainage holes, however.
  12. Funny thing you ask. The E Pro from CCM/Reebok had long blades for a short base, but the SB +4.0 has runners that are shorter inside the base. E Pro uses a 271 for a size 7,5 and the SB uses the next size down for a size 7,5. I went with the 271, and the holder moved fairly forward on my Reebok 16K boot from where the E Pro was, and I have holes from the stock holder exposed. That's okay, that allows more drainage, I suppose.
  13. Yes it does. I was in a walking boot for twelve weeks in '07, and I feel like I might need to go for drastic corrective action this year. I feel for you, matey.
  14. Run/walk turned me into a 6:30 miler from a 7:20 miler. Of course I have always SUCKED at running, but my duathlon times were actually pretty good. Who knows if anyone does duathlon anymore (run/bike/run), but interval training does a slow ass good. Keep on keepin' on, Opti.
  15. I echo what MThockeydad says. Been there, done that, stayed away from the game I love because of them. You're in my thoughts, Chadd.
  16. I just got a pair of Talon 90 as well. It is a strange tight fit when compared to my others (ppf 844), but the tight fit has grown on me. I think you will be chuffed with those.
  17. I quit live performance with drums in August. I then was in a recording project over the last seven years that died in October. I get a text from my song writing collaborator today that a guitar player and his "singing" bass player wants to get together on Saturday. I haven't played seriously in a month. I also cut my thumb on my drumming lead hand (left) in a severe manner. My thumb has had a bit of trouble since the cut healed gripping the stick. This is the stick that grips the lead stick that hits my hi hats and ride cymbal. What do I do? I am thinking just try and play and if it's right, then it's meant to be...
  18. I have a funny feeling you will land on your feet.
  19. You bloody well lasted an aeon in radio years!!!! Crikey...
  20. Found Leinenkugel's Snow Drift Porter today!!!! Thought that was LOOOOOOOOOONG gone!!!!! That is an AWESOME brew après hockey!!!!!
  21. Neighbours of mine in my business complex double park like it's their right. Maybe some vigilante justice should come.
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