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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shoot_the_goalie

  1. I tried it and I'm not a fan. I did not find the Uncup to be very comfortable as 1) it's wider than your typical cup, so I found it made contact with your thighs when you skate, and 2) it rests directly on your private parts, as opposed to the protection being lifted away like traditional cups. I couldn't get used to that as I felt like I was being compressed (I imagine it would hurt more if you took a direct impact too). Finally, the material, although pliable with some force, is still pretty stiff. I'm not sure how custom moldable it is, as it seems to return to shape once you bend it, etc.
  2. Forgive my ignorance, but please tell me the Conway & Banks stuff is named after the Mighty Ducks characters!?
  3. This perfectly describes me practicing my dangles...
  4. I would say no, unless you plan to air/bus travel with it a lot. Then the higher quality, more durable bags are definitely worth it. That said. If they make a hockey bag with a built in wet bar, I could be interested in that.
  5. That's some Kessel-like flex he's got going there!
  6. Very happy I got the added shot blockers to mine too. Took two hard shots the other night to the same foot. 1st one hit square on the outside of my foot and felt nothing. 2nd one hit square on the inside ankle bone (where the True logo is) and I felt it and it hurt, but was fine after the initial pain. Skates look fine too - no visible damage.
  7. Bauer Nexus line probably. With that said, it's still pretty easy to find used pairs of the RBZ depending on your size.
  8. Yeah. I don't use a shoehorn anymore. With that said, when I baked my Trues, I had the LHS "open" the top eyelet area just a bit so it would flare a little, since I like the top eyelets pretty loose anyway. Side benefit is that they're not as hard to get on. However, out of all the skates I've ever owned, they are still the hardest to get into by far.
  9. It's all VN foam. It's not the helmet though that's the problem. The helmet fits fine....it's the visor, when screwed on, that compresses the sides of the helmet. Currently, I put a spreader in the helmet at the temples (with the visor attached) in hopes that maybe the visor will spread wider and/or the VN foam will compress at the temple areas. Gonna leave it in there for a few days to see what it does. Thanks all for the advice.
  10. I do, and that works temporarily. But after a few mins, it kinda goes back to shape and the pressure returns.
  11. Have a CCM V08 I wear with a visor when coaching/sticktime, etc. The helmet fits fine without the visor, but once I put the visor on, the visor compresses the sides, squeezing my temples, which after time gets uncomfortable. I use a classic Bauer RBE I shield. Any methods of fixing this or if there's a wider visor option out there? I toyed around with the idea of shaving or removing some of the padding, but would prefer not to if there's a better way...
  12. The few people I know who went from VH to True have all said the fit is better with the Trues. Most think it was probably cause the hand tracing method is more prone to error than the 3d scan.
  13. Hi Mike. Seems to be a little harder to find Blacksteel in general. Is Blacksteel being more limited in stock?
  14. Reminds me of Mike Green and his Easton stick stockpile.
  15. I use waxed laces and I like them...personal preference. I do tie my Trues pretty loosely though.
  16. High level players do tend to chirp other high level players if they wear cages. Over the years, I've met a bunch of former D1 players and pros/semi-pros, who will definitely chirp other D1 and similar level players if they wear a cage, AFTER playing in college. One D1 guy I talked to said it's because playing in D1, guys are much dirtier with their sticks because everyone is wearing cages, so there's more disregard in that sense. However, the chirps are still usually in the lighthearted nature. With that being said, I have never heard anyone chirp someone for wearing a cage in beer league level hockey, unless it's someone who's mouthing off/playing dirty, or if it's someone who wants to fight someone not wearing a cage (and won't remove their helmet for the fight). Those chirps are a little more, how to say, not lighthearted.
  17. How did that happen? Or was that a factory defect?
  18. Interesting. But at $30CAD a pop, not sure it's worth it since blacksteel rarely burrs, and if it does, nothing a piece of leather can't fix.... Might be incredibly useful to those with SB Black and other coated/polished non-Step blades.
  19. Coaching is the only time I don't wear a cage with a helmet. Still wear a long half-shield, due to past eye injuries. Other than that (and of course gloves), that's usually the only protection I'll wear. Occasionally, I'll put on shinguards under my pants if I decide to play with the kids, since I have been hit with an errant stick or puck in the shins from time to time.
  20. I didn’t find much of a performance difference. I skate still like I skate. However from a comfort standpoint, significant difference. My Trues were pretty close to spot on in terms of fit; I had no break-in period, no hot spots, and no need to punch or alter the actual shape of the boot like I previously had to do in other skates. Previously, I always left top eyelet unlaced, but tie all the way to top on Trues.
  21. But isn't this an example of positive customer service from True? They could just respond, "Sorry, but talk to your LHS where you were fitted. Not our fault you live XXX hours away from them." But they don't do that, and will still talk directly to the customer in many instances to help. I know some other major hockey manufacturers who have told me "Sorry. Can't help you on that. You need to talk to where you bought it from."
  22. On top of this, many people when they think of custom, they expect the product to be perfect on first delivery. It happens all the time with all types of custom products. Custom products, a vast majority of the time, come with imperfections that ultimately need tweaks/modifications. Very fine point. Even then, True personally called me a few times to resolve my minor issues; in response to my e-mails. True's customer service in my experience is top-notch. Only other major hockey manufacturer that has come close to their level of service, in my experience, is CCM.
  23. That's what I thought too. Your best chances of getting the Fitlite titanium cage is probably to buy the combo of the 3DS if still offered; unless you need different size cage/helmet like I did.
  24. I originally thought my head was more round shaped, but when I tried the 3DS in the store, it fit really well. Occasionally, the helmet will feel tighter on my temples, but it's easily remedied by pushing out the sides a bit before putting it on. It's a very comfortable helmet, breathes well, feels light, and the occipital lock is great. The only con I would say with this helmet is that the brow does not absorb any sweat whatsoever, so you will get sweat dripping down over your face at times. The Fitlite titanium cage is great, but they seem to be harder to find as of late. It's got the same pattern as the CCM480/580, but with flat bars, and significantly lighter. I had to buy the helmet and cage separately, as I wear a M helmet but a L cage. Hope that helps.
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