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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I just grabbed some true A6.0 pants (older model) and the wide legs are fantastic. I actually went to a junior size pants. They are nice and snug around the waist and flare out at the legs. No more shins getting caught and they still have that close fitting feel. I don’t even unzip the legs. They might be considered on the heavier side but I don’t really feel it while playing. Very protective as well
  2. I’ve had really good success with this. https://www.ebay.com/itm/395922170271?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=27p3wmyqr46&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=NojP-f63SaC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I got mine off Amazon for $100 but I don’t see them anymore. I heat the forefoot inside and out with a heat gun and get it pretty hot while being careful not to get it too hot and melt anything. Then I insert it until it hits the front of the toecap and start cranking. I crank on it until there’s enough resistance where you can tell it might break if you try to spin it more. It’ll get harder and harder to spin but you’ll be able to tell when you r basically reached capacity. I have a wide forefoot and this worked perfectly for me I was going to add a picture to show the difference but I don’t know how
  3. Thanks for all the replies. This is the assumption that I was under which is why I was hoping it would save me from swapping holders. I thought all XL steel was 4 mm longer. I already did a holder swap on one pair of skates and it definitely helped in areas, but it also has me wondering if profiling could get me pretty close to the same feeling and not having to do more holder swaps. It gets expensive quick playing around with different profiles
  4. Anyone know where I can buy this steel? I see it very sparingly on the internet. Looking for size 254 edge steel. Curious if this could offset putting a larger holder on my skates
  5. Somehow I missed this reply. Very interesting. I do agree with your thought that feel on the ice doesn’t always match up to how the measurements suggest it should feel. My Graf g7’s were pitched so far forward that a 6mm wedge in the toe still had me feeling like I was too far on my toes. Swapping a custom plus on my 707’s made me feel comfortable immediately. after skating a couple more times I opted to have a larger holder put on my skates. Gonna try them out today. My only concern is that they are offset more towards the heel than the toe. Not sure if it’s something I’ll notice at all. I’m also testing out 3 different profiles as well so we’ll see how it all goes. I’ve also been thinking about what you said about the pitch. Wondering if something as simple as a negative pitch to put me a little more on my heels would make things feel normal. I also discovered steel in the XL version. I’m wondering if just using the XL steel with the smaller holders would have fixed my issue. It seems very hard to find though. I could get it for LS2 holders and just swap the same size LS2 holder on. But we’ll see how it goes today.
  6. Thanks. Yeah there is cheap step steel available too. I still haven’t made up my mind on what I’m going to do though. I bought tuuk edge holders for cheap that are a size larger than my current ones. I’m getting impatient with the transitioning to smaller holders as well. I have 3 sets of edge steel for the current holders on my skates though. I might give profiling one last go before I make a decision. Obviously if I went with a larger ls2 holder the rivets won’t line up
  7. Do Lightspeed 2 and tuuk edge rivet patterns line up? My tuuk edge is driving me crazy with clicking and moving steel
  8. So I had 3 different sets of steel. Fly-x that came retail with the skates, pulse ti that I got used but assuming was stock profile and I also purchased new step steel that I had used. I really didn’t notice any differences between the 3 outside of the quality and feel of the steel. I feel like getting as much steel as I can on the ice would make me feel more normal. If I am pitched a bit forward I don’t really notice it at all.
  9. Can I hijack this a bit for profile help? I recently went down a holder size 263 to 254. I was previously skating with Graf cobras size 263. I hated the pitch and never felt quite right. After a couple years I swapped tuuk custom plus size 263 holders and immediately felt more comfortable. They did have step steel in them with a 9 foot profile. I recently bought Machs and went from a size 7 Graf 707 to a size 6 Mach. Took me a few skates to stop tripping over my toes. The adjustment wasn’t as bad as I thought but it’s still not perfect. Recently went from stock profile to 11 foot and it didn’t help at all. I still get a little too far forward and my toes and can stumble occasionally. I’m sliding out on my crossovers. Any profile suggestions to get me closer to the feel of the longer blade? I’m contemplating just swapping a larger holder, but not sure if I should screw around with profiling a little more. I already paid over $40 for the last change. A couple more changes and I could have paid to just put new holders on.
  10. It blows my mind that some of these shops are willing to take something that the owner paid hundreds of dollars for and completely butcher them. Hope it works out for you in the end
  11. I have the warrior covert girdle and I really like the lightweight feel of it but I don’t like how the top of the leg pads on the girdle kind of sit on top of my kneecaps/shins. I would definitely prefer if the pads were a bit looser around my quads. I’m assuming the obvious answer is to switch back to pants, but would cutting slits on the inseam and out seam of the girdle be an option to loosen up the restriction a bit? I did just grab a cheap pair of warrior pants to test them out but I’d prefer to alter the girdle if that’s something doable
  12. Adding to this. Has anyone ever had Binnie’s do a holder swap for them? I was looking into sharp Shak but figured it would be easier to just purchase everything from Binnies. I just don’t really see any of their prior work advertised anywhere
  13. I’ve purchased steel from them in the past. They are in my mind as one of the more reputable places out there
  14. Thanks for the response. I had mine done by Noicing sports so I feel pretty confident they were done right. I’m not too educated on the fancy profiles, but maybe that will be my next step
  15. I’m just going to use this thread bc I can’t find the other one. Long story short, I went down a holder size and now my outside edge is sliding underneath me during crossovers. I recently just had them profiled to 11ft from 10ft hoping that would help. I don’t feel any difference. I’m a much much better skater than I used to be (I’m now in my 40’s), but now I’m having trouble with a basic crossover that is one thing I’ve never had issues with in my life. I’m contemplating a holder swap back to the 263 I’ve skated in my whole life. Could going to a 12 really make a difference?
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