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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Caihlen

  1. Can't go wrong with the mexi strat. Solid guitar, and every one I've ever touched has played well. Ymmv.
  2. Sorry for the typos. Posted first thing before coffee.
  3. Dead stock mako 1, stock step steel runners from Amazon, because I was curious I pulled the stock easton runners out and held them up to the step steel for comparison and to my eye,mouth the bolt holes lined up the skating edges matched. i was surprise because I think I read somewhere in this thread that they were different.....
  4. I have step steel runners (stock) on my Makos. If you hold them up against stock Mako runners they are identical.
  5. Condolences. I get along with and enjoy dogs better than people.....
  6. Got lots of games coming up. Two this week, two next week, then four the following week. Chuffed!
  7. As a Tribe fan of 54 years, I feel for you man....
  8. Pure sex right there....
  9. First league game ever last night. Awesome mix of players, a, b, c, women. Very fast! And I didn't do anything profoundly stupid! Dang I love this game!
  10. Got married at the Lake Co. Courthouse. Justice of the Peace. 65 bucks. Chinese food after. Wife's idea. Simple, fast, no drama.
  11. 2.5 blissful hours of pickup tonite, first game of spring league Tuesday. Heaven!
  12. So again , I ask. Would you, if you have a helmet with 0 stars, meaning not recommended, go buy a two star helmet now, based on this testing and the results. I say two star because a quick look found no Krown 360's in large.
  13. Up to this point the discussion has focused on the 3 star helmet and fitting issues. Hypothetically, what would you do if you had one of the helmets that was rated a 0? Would you, based on the data that is available as of this instant, go out and buy a 2 star rated helmet? I only mention 2 star because in a perfunctory search, Warrior Krown 360's have suddenly become very scarce.
  14. Chin up. Positive vibes will get you through. Go for a run.
  15. As a musician I totally get this. Musical "moments" are so rare and special.... Good for you.
  16. Just because I look stupid don't mean I ain't.

  17. How so? I think you made a conscious decision and chose a path that feels better to you. Plus I'm a Soto Zen Buddhist, so your mention of zen seems to fit. I dig it when people are true to themselves. Ask anyone...I'm an odd dude....
  18. Two weeks ago I left the band I'd been with for 14 months because of some drama. Felt bad till mid week this week. Sucks. Thinking about selling my main ax....
  19. So sorry Bro, tough break....
  20. Playing hockey last night for two blissful hours.
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