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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Caihlen

  1. Damn am I sorry that's over. What an incredible experience. I can't say enough about the fellas that put this together and week after week made it challenging and fun. And now I can say without any reservations: I'm a hockey player. Thanks Shawn.
  2. Bought a set of gen 1 Makos and skated them for the first time last night. Quite a step up from my entry level Reeboks! Astonishing really. I felt much faster and in better control. Really pleased......Hockey is fun.
  3. How about someone who liberally sprinkles "seemingly so" through every sentence. Arrrrhg.
  4. Emmons D10 push/pull pedal steel guitar, and a strat. Been playing since I was 13. Am now 54. Play in a cool country band on weekends.
  5. 13 weeks ago I couldn't even spell hockey. Now I are one. Last night, for the first time, I felt like I was skating with my head up looking at where the play was going to happen rather than chasing the puck around like a crazed cat after a laser pointer. Cool.
  6. Just say no ... To the "stupid bowl" I, in an effort to confront rampant consumerism and spectacle, will be playing hockey.
  7. Guys, need some advice. I wear a 9D in Reebok, and I'm trying to upgrade. I was wondering if anyone knew how that 9d would translate to the original Mako? Thanks....
  8. Played p/u last night against a clearly superior bunch of hockey players. While they were tolerant of us slower skaters they basically practiced around us. It was awesome. The snow was falling, the lights seemed just right, the ice was fine and I got to play hockey. I feel like playing over your head, while physically imposing, is a great way to improve. I was always pushing hard. Very cool.
  9. Pretty well! Probably only have 12 hours on them but no sign of any wear as of yet....
  10. Cool. I have some reebok hybrids and I've been thinking about frankenpads....
  11. Tell me about the added belly protection for the 5030's. I love mine but they are a bit, er, short....
  12. Skated in my very first pickup game last night at age 54. Had a blast and will be playing hockey as often as I can manage. Pretty chuffed!
  13. Helmet: Reebok 3k bucket and cage Shoulder: Reebok hybrids or Sher-Wood 5030's Elbow: CCM RBZ 130 Gloves: CCM 300's Pants: CCM RBZ 110 Shins: CCM RBZ 130 Skates: Reebok 26 k Sticks: 2 x Reebok 16k P38 85 flex left
  14. So what Sher-wood curve is most like the P38 - Datsyuk ? Cause um yeah, that is a damn good looking stick....
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