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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I have NLS3's, bought them this past July.
  2. Kings sale this coming Saturday. Has anybody been? Is it a circus? Is it even worth it?
  3. I'm with the bubble wrap folks. I've shipped a bunch of sticks this way and never had a problem. I trace out the shape of the blade on two small pieces of cardboard (cut it out a little bigger then your tracing) and then tape them on the front and back on the blade to protect it. Wrap everything in a couple layers of bubble wrap, tape the crap out of it with shipping tape. I usually put the shipping label on the blade. Done I really dont think there's any advantage to frankensteining a box together vs just wrapping it. Also, it's surprisingly affordable to ship this way.
  4. If the decision was purely based on bang for the buck, I think you'd have a hard time beating the Shifts. Found some on Amazon for well under $300. The thing that ended up getting me was the fit. I have a narrow heel and RPD's felt a bit wider than my old CA's. Ended up going with Mission's just on fit.
  5. RPD Shift vs Team (skate). What are the biggest differences? Per the specs, it looks like it's just the quarter material right? Just wondering if that's with the $100 price difference. Thanks
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