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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I finally skated in them for the first time last night. First of all cutting the side felt off the tongues was a great idea. Thanks to this thread for that little tip. Second there was some pain here and there but I think that was just getting used to the skates, the pain pretty much subsided by the end of the session. Overall I am beyond happy I took this chance haha.
  2. Well thanks to all of you I went and tried the Mako II's on yesterday. My Mako II's arrive a few days from now. I got a really good deal on them thanks to eBay. So It definitely lessened the blow of spending money on new skates. Plus I feel more comfortable in the II's over any of the other model's in the line since I will be in them up to 15 hours a week coaching/playing etc. I'd rather have them last a little while. Now I need to try the CXN holder and decide if I should swap out for Edge Holders.
  3. I'm not so much worried about durability as I am comfort. If I get the original's and they broke down by the time the II's come down in price (whenever that may be) I'd be ok with buying the II's on closeout. I'm not making the NHL any time soon so even if Easton came out with some incredible new technology for the next model I don't think I'd ever consider spending $800 on skates.
  4. This topic is making me think I should jump on a pair of original Mako's for the price I saw them. Just can't decide if I should bite on them for the price, or get the Mako II. Aesthetically of course I like the II's better but I'm at the point in my life now where looks aren't everything haha.
  5. Had to cancel our trip to Florida for the weekend at the 11th hour.
  6. Found this last night. Not sure who's it was but I picked it up a few years back. Pretty sure I never used it. And of course my season is over til the fall.
  7. I've definitely let her take the lead on everything. I just step in when she gets overly stressed, like last week when she saw our venue on Say Yes to the Dress (didn't know our venue was even popular enough to be on TV) and thought "It looks so bare there were no decorations or lights hanging or anything" to which I had to remind her that the first question she asked when we sat with the venue was can we hang lights/decorate how we want and they said of course.
  8. Luckily my fiance' and I have already been living together, we get along fine, having my grandmother in the mix is a story that could fill a chapter on the Venting Spot. (I'm grateful it's worked out like this however sometimes you need to let the steam out haha) the best tips we received have mostly been restated here: getting someone to field questions the day of, I told my fiance' who is very worried about people not liking something my groomsman who was a fighter and stands at 6'4" off skates will be wearing a button that says complaint department. I will also be relegating a groomsman to handling final payments that day. Strose: we're not doing real flowers, the 50% off sales at Michael's and 7 Michael's later we got every flower we need for the wedding. Guys are wearing pocket squares not flowers.
  9. Thats more or less why I stopped including my parents in anything at this point. Just give them little tidbits of information about what we did. "We just found a photographer, well talk to you soon, love ya mom bye!" No chance to ask the thousand questions she thinks I didn't cover. I'm not sure how far along you are with planning or where you're getting married but if you need any suggestions on anything let me know, we're almost finished at this point and just waiting on the date to get here and have been fortunate enough to lock up some really quality vendors.
  10. Going through the same thing. Luckily my fiance' and I have the same tastes and have worked extremely well together so far. I've found so far that it's the families that tend to cause the most stress. (At one point we have nearly no friends coming because our parents wanted every friend they ever met coming.) Just remember it's your and your fiance's day. If you need any help or wanna vent more since I'm going through the same process, feel free to PM me. Sometimes it's easier to vent to someone other than your fiance' about their family. I found that one out the hard way.
  11. Not sure I'll hold onto these they seem a bit big on my hands. God damn impulse purchases.
  12. x2 and take it from the guy who decided he didn't want to risk it and make a fool out of himself, I missed out on many chances because I was afraid, and it hit home after I ran into someone I hadn't seen since HS and we ended up going out one night and hit it off and her saying to me she always liked me but was too afraid to say something.
  13. Decided to take a family pic, the one95's have been in the family and in use since the day they came out. Unfortunately after last night they may need to be retired, might just pick up a pair of one100's to replace them. The s9's I bought brand new and still haven't used them just not sure if I want to go with those or one100's. The 4.0's were an impulse buy. I'm terrible with decisions haha Pro Stock Flexlite 4.0 Pro Stock Bauer S9 Regular old one95's haha
  14. Ryan Dunn http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/20/ryan-dunn-dead-jackass-star-car-crash_n_880322.html
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