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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kmfdm86

  1. On the far right. 11-2 win. Woo. Lol.
  2. Bring a can of febreeze or spray on deoderant or something. Just hand it to him and walk away. Haha.
  3. Good for you man. Hepatitis or what? That's crazy. Not trying to be a jerk. If you don't want to give details, that's cool too. Just keep fighting and doing what you love. Congrats!
  4. Do some lighter spray on that back line so the transition isn't as noticeable. Looks good though!
  5. Gotta love clearance sales. Lol. Covert QR1
  6. No, $149 is the sale price. In your cart you enter "SAVE25" and it takes another 25% off. It comes to about $112. I already bought and received my pair of QR1's for this price. Haha.
  7. QR1 is $112 at ice/inline warehouse with their save25 coupon. Just fyi. Lol.
  8. I just picked them up on Monday for $100 on sale. Unfortunately our game this week got cancelled because only two people on the other team showed. So I've only practiced in them. They're comfortable, padding feels good and solid, construction is good. Sorry I don't have more info yet. Haha.
  9. Maybe he's just stupid/delusional and doesn't realize he isn't following his own advice. Haha. I give people way too much credit.
  10. Maybe he's just not good enough to follow it so he hopes by being vocal he can inspire others? I don't know. Lol.
  11. Damn. Yeah, that sucks. How long have you had the cold? You shouldn't be contagious after a few days. The hospital has to have some sort of protocol to let you still go there. You might even be able to go with your dad to talk with the doctor somewhere you don't have to worry about making patients sick. Sorry if I'm repeating things you've already considered or tried. I work in healthcare and I know the people caring for her don't want you out of the loop. There's gotta be a way.
  12. Have you tried calling her doctor? As long as she has you listed as someone they can release her healthcare information to there shouldn't be an issue. But again, with the anxiety thing I know that can be easier said than done sometimes.
  13. Hang in there. Can't even imagine what that feels like and I have an anxiety disorder. Stay strong.
  14. Pond Hockey with some friends. I'm on the left. Excuse the excess headgear. I usually play inline and I'm not a very good ice skater. Haha.
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