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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kmfdm86

  1. First two goal game in 3 seasons last week. 5 hole rebound off the goalies mask and a wide wraparound that went in. Feels good to contribute again. We won 7-2.
  2. I'm 30. I'm real sick of even bothering with them. Lol.
  3. Broke up with the girlfriend today. 3 years, we live together, etc... just kind of slowly fell out of love. Has literally never happened to me before. There's no animosity for her, I just realized I wasn't happy anymore and it was rubbing off on her. So I had the conversation with her, like an adult. And holy shit. Apparently I'm a terrible human being. I knew it was going to be hard, but it was the right thing to do for both of us. Relationships are bullshit sometimes. I don't hate her and would like to someday be friends with her but goddamn. Tell me I'm not the only one to go through this.
  4. FWIW that price is super high. I had to get my headgaskets replaced on my old Forester which is a notorious and expensive problem with subaru's due to the boxer engine. I paid $1700 for the whole job including having the heads machined. Take it to a mechanic that specializes in Japanese cars.
  5. Bought my first ever new new car last Thursday. 2018 Subaru WRX Premium. This thing is a freaking blast. Mountain road glamour shot... haha. And after getting the tint done. Much roomier than the 05 I had for a while in my early 20s. Hockey bag fits perfectly in the trunk and the rear seats fold down so my sticks fit perfectly too.
  6. It is. I've been in an 02 Forester for 7 years. It's nice to rejoin the land of boosted AWD.
  7. Two awesome days in a row. Got a new set of the other kind of wheels!
  8. Won a beer mug for winning our inline championship game! Nice to see the league display a sense of humor... also got some tape, a folding allen key set, and a stick of deodorant. Haha.
  9. Realizing the money my grandma left me when she passed away in 97 is unavailable to me when I asked for access to a small portion of it because of the way my father managed the account due my grandma's boyfriend being an incompetent ?!#&. Hurray...
  10. Congrats! I just got a promotion from assistant supervisor to supervisor and I only got a 10% bump. Haha.
  11. I know that feel. Ref in my league tacks on additional minors if anyone asks what the offending player was called for, even if it's the captain asking. It's ridiculous.
  12. If the helmet doesn't fit right when you make contact there's slippage. The helmet is touching the surface you're coming into contact with, your head is not. So the helmet begins to move in a direction related to the type of contact it's making while your head is still moving in the direction of your initial trajectory prior to contact. This obviously changes the transference of force. Which type of transference of force is better or worse is debatable. The problem is unless they're using the same helmets on two headforms for a head it fits and one it does not, the data essentially useless. All it tells you is "hey, if your head happens to be this shape, we think this one is better". They flat out ignored a pretty important variable. Whether or not the helmet moves when it's hit.
  13. Doctors don't make money on vaccines. They make more money treating for the illnesses the vaccines prevent. As far as the VT study goes, they measure the transfer of force to the headform the helmet is on. They use the same headform for every test regardless of the head shape the helmet was meant for. If you've ever had on a helmet that doesn't actually conform to your head you will immediately realize why this is a problem. The study tells absolutely nothing worthwhile about helmets that don't fit the headform they used. The helmets that fit it well score well, the helmets that do not score poorly.
  14. Yeah, I know there's people out there with way more. These were all acquired in the past 12 months since I came back from a 15 year hiatus. Lol.
  15. Yeah. I can't wait to actually play the QRL. The QRL3 was great but then the HD1 went on sale and I got spoiled by how light it is. Haha.
  16. Yeah, fml, when I picked up the QRL I checked out an STX Surgeon RX2 and now I can't stop thinking about it. I think I have a problem... haha.
  17. So... the stable is starting to get a little out of hand... haha. Just picked up the QRL on the far right. 75 flex, W03 (same as the HD1, the HD Pro and QRL3 are W88s)
  18. Unfortunately the facility does not allow spectators on the side of the rink without glass.
  19. Girlfriend brought the DSLR to the inline game this week. Note this is her first time photographing a hockey game. Haha.
  20. I've got a bad knee and a bad shoulder and I'm not the best skater. It's for the best, trust me. Lol. I'd rather deal with all the gear than fuck myself up and be unable to play. I only ever got to play roller as a kid, so I'm about 3 months into ice at this point.
  21. Some blurry pictures from stick and puck
  22. The addiction continues... New shins to replace my RBZ 130s.
  23. Dished out some money today. Jetspeed 300s, QLT 290 pants and Ultra Tacks shoulders.
  24. Bit the bullet and bought what I need to go from all inline to some ice. Jetspeed 300s, QLT 290 pants and ultra tacks shoulders. (Got a bad shoulder so good protection is imperative)
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