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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kovalchuk71

  1. At Scottman....Frames look perfect. Any smaller and they would be the wrong size.
  2. Why do you have two lefties in there?
  3. Nice stick, where did you get one?
  4. That 45 Caliber looks great! Waiting on mine. I can't wait, they look like very solid sticks.
  5. Gotta go yellow. Well at least that is my favorite color lace......
  6. But are they around anymore? Im not talking about durability/performance, Im talking about design. They went back to the long hosel.
  7. Has anyone brought up the short hoseled ST blade?
  8. Yeah, the 2 bottom ones are X:60. What are the lie on the blades? I heard anywhere from 4.5-5?
  9. Nice Aluminum. Is that a Mission Dangler I see?
  10. Are the blades wood?
  11. Thanks for the confirmation. I assumed it was an X60 just because the weave was not tight like a regular One95. No problem. The squares are practically 3/4"x3/4" :o
  12. Yea, thats not an X:60. I have a broken Stall X:60 (one95) and the weave is different. Its large squares (bigger than 10K)
  13. www.fixitbymail.com
  14. If you dont like it. Let me know... Back on topic.
  15. 80 flex right? Do you like it?
  16. What curve is on that nitro?
  17. Thats a beautiful stick. Whats the lie if you dont mind me asking?
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