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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kovalchuk71

  1. A magnesium frame will crack, but it is highly unlikely that it will bend. The aluminum the skate manufacturers use is unlikely to crack, but will bend.
  2. It's not all about the weight difference though. It's about the rigidity. The aluminum will bend, while the magnesium will not.
  3. Thanks Justin. I was just more concerned with the mounting holes from the Alkali frame possibly being close to the new holes that would have to be drilled.
  4. Has anyone had any issues installing Vanguards on to the CA9/CA9 RPD?
  5. Has anyone gone from Bauer Vapors to Alkali and had an issue with the width? That's the only thing I am concerned about before I pull the trigger on a pair of CA9 RPD
  6. Finally put these together. Boots feel great. Bought the skates used off eBay for $80. http://tinypic.com/r/1pf7va/6
  7. How does the depth of the Mako compare to a Bauer Vapor?
  8. The Mako skates look fantastic. I will be picking up a pair for sure (As long as they fit of course). The heat molding abilities of them look awesome.
  9. Its the most wonderful time of the year......Finals time
  10. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.....
  11. Just converted a pair of Graf G35 with aluminum vanguards and addictions. Will post pics tomorrow.
  12. Thanks. I will get some better pics up once I get the addictions on them....
  13. So I beat the crap out of my 705 in 8 months of play, so I went back to Bauer (and not leaving them ever again). Custom NXG skates converted....Addictions are going on them next week, I just haven't made it back to the shop to pick them up. Sorry for the crappy picture.
  14. My custom NXG's are supposed to arrive at the shop Monday. I will mount them up when I get them and post pics. :) Here is the setup: Bauer Custom NXG Boot (6.25 D/AA) Mission Vanguard Frame (From T9's) Labeda Addiction Wheels (Orange 78A) Bones Super Red Bearings Elite Oval Laces Have to say I am very excited! My Graf 705 are literally marshmallows stiffness wise after 9 months of usage (Very disappointed about that).
  15. You really need an expert to do this. If you try to do it without knowing what you are doing, then you are setting yourself up for a improperly fit pair of "custom" skates, as well as a LOT of money down the drain.
  16. Losing to your younger brother who is playing goalie on the other team. Scratch that....shut out.
  17. Haha. If anything, I would like him to see it so I could learn a bit more about them.
  18. The "RBZ" is too small. Reminds me of the hold cheap "SWD" RM-5/7 One-piece sticks we used to have at the shop My dad gave me these a while back. His old gloves. Thought it was pretty cool and I'm going to attempt use them tomorrow night for fun. They are almost mint, no smell, kangaroo palms 98% intact. They're awesome.
  19. I don't like the graphics package at all on that stick. Looks like a cheap SMU
  20. Justin, is the main difference between the CA9 and the CA7 the frame,wheels/bearings and outsole?
  21. Mom surprised me with a Bauer Re-AKT helmet yesterday. I was shocked. Now I don't have to buy a new helmet
  22. I'm not going to disagree with you pure hockey, but I have had zero problems (*Knocks on wood*) with my current converted 705's with the new outsole. They have been fantastic. I love the softness of the boot compared to the "cast" feel of most top end stuff now.
  23. The graphics/visuals are stunning. Wow.
  24. Great news! I have been dealing with the same thing since I was about 13 as well. Talking to someone helped me so much, and helped my good days begin to outnumber my bad ones.
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