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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AnthonyJTa

  1. Hey, I have that Mission jersey! ^^^^ Only it's got no number
  2. Just picked this up today... '08 Dodge Avenger SE... 4 cyl, great gas mileage. Sharper looking than my Saturn L200....
  3. The Compro looks nice, and I've read relatively good feedback thus far. Only issue is, no one has them in-store and I'm not an advocate to buy a product sight-unseen. Just keep in mind man, just because you didn't get successful results doesn't mean it's a bunk product. It's all in the realm of personal preference.
  4. Couple of nice woodies there, man... I've been looking to pick up a nice wooden stick for stick n' puck but I can't find any I really like. All I see is Sherwoods. Those V-Hex are one-piece sticks.... the V-Hex 2 is a tapered shaft/tapered blade combo. As for the rest of your post, I dunno where you're getting at... so yeah.
  5. blood has been shed Fedorov#91, you're thinking Seemless. My good friend Derek is the drummer (as well as Unearth, and Kingdom of Sorrow *aka* Hatebreed + Crowbar)....great band. \m/ BROOTAL GROOVE \m/ haha.. Chikin... Howard from BHBS is the new singer for KSE. Massachusetts is an incestual pool of metal and hard rock.. everyone's played with everyone at one point or another.
  6. Well, I got 1 pro stock used from Drewhunz a while ago... I can't quote for his usage, but I've used it for a few months now and the blade is starting to get a little of a squish to it. I'm not a heavy shooter though either. I'm primarily wristers, snap shots and passing. The retail V-Hex I have gets little use while I go through the pro stocks. I should have used the retail first in case it broke under warranty, but oh well. The Missions I have are probably the best feeling/responsive sticks I've used... and I've been through 'em all... CNT Stealth, Dolo, SE/SL, AK27 shaft/blade combo, SWD RM9, Vapor XXX, XXX Lite... I also love the fact that uncut- they're the perfect height for me, no cutting needed. I buy an 85, I get an 85.
  7. Nice score Clark12, pro stock? Or are they retail? How'd you manage to get 'em? I'm up to 4 now.... 3 pro stock, 1 retail. I will +1 on the fact that I think the V-Hex is a great, great stick.... now if they'd only go on clearance at my shops!!
  8. Nice... I've been scouring eBay aimlessly for a pair of black M-1's. Only to be thwarted last minute in every auction I bid on.
  9. I just thought I'd update... I've been listening to a lot of Battles lately. I love their video for the song (Any band consisting of an ex-Helmet member is a-ight in my book)... I also picked up a couple Oceansize discs, and some Prince... haha
  10. Nah, it just looks like the team came to use your shower.
  11. TBLFan didn't win Russian Eastons... those are Czech Republic Eastons.
  12. Got new sticks... Ribeiro pro stock V-Hex Grip (no actual grip though)... Feels a little different that the white Ribeiro V-Hex I got off Drewhunz here. Curve stock decal the bunch ...the Powerflex tape only matches because they were out of black... the choices were matched colors, or pink.
  13. Whistler's daughter? mmm.....
  14. if he was Hal Gill, I'd be amped that I was at least better than 1 person on MSH.. haha
  15. argh! I wanted to order a pair of AGX asap..... but I just read they're doing the free Fuel TI stick for skate purchases between June, and August. I guess I'll have to hold out until June or so, because I really can't pass on an opportunity to get ahold of 2 new Mission products.
  16. I def. thought of this response this morning when I pulled my 90AG's off after 2 hours of stick time, and my heel had pins & needles for 15 minutes. Can't wait! haha
  17. Thanks so much, sir! I'm going to have the shop near me try and get me a pair before he closes...
  18. Dude, was he wearing roller hockey pants on the ice too?? I think I know which guy you may be talking about if it's NESHL
  19. Zac, quick question on the AGX... will they run the same size as the other Fuel skates? I'm in a 90AG size 8 right now, and it's perfect.
  20. The official flag of Saugus and Revere
  21. I wonder if something like Scotchguard would work on the white nylon? *edit* Googled my own question..from the 3M website: "Q: On what materials and fabrics can I use Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector? A: This product works great on most fabrics! Whether natural fabrics like cotton & wool, synthetic fabrics like polyester & nylon, or delicate fabrics like silk; you can use Scotchgard™ Fabrics & Upholstery Protector. (It is always good to test in an inconspicuous spot for color bleeding.) We do not recommend using on rugs, carpets, suede, plastics, or vinyl." I'm not saying "Hey, scotchguard them..." but maybe one of the shop guys here can provide a little more feedback ScotchGuard Fabric & Upholstery Protector
  22. I wouldn't doubt it... it's the store of choice amongst a lot of the youth parents my brother works with... better prices, more selection/availability. Just don't put 100% deposit on a special order, or wait for something out of Bauer fit stock with them.
  23. Don't get me wrong, I dig the white skates they've been putting out nowadays... I just feel like the white + so much silver is way overboard. But then again, I wouldn't be able to see 'em if I was wearing them, so it doesn't really matter.
  24. I didn't know Graf made a Captain EO edition... Kudos for going for a different look, but IMHO those are an acquired look.
  25. CTHockey... is the Warrior logo on the cuff screened, or embroidered?
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