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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by cammerz12

  1. I had a picture ready to post and you beat me to it @jeffg
  2. I'll need to brush up on my Finnish but I like the lie and blade height on the Laine curve. Interesting video, his shot is incredible.
  3. Have you signed the petition to retire Sparky Anderson’s #11 for the Tigers? I'm interning at this station, 94.7 wcsx in detroit, they got a petition going, hope to see some people respond. My link
  4. Had my first skate on them today, once I get a few more in I'll post it up.
  5. we played psu berks, westchester and delaware about two weeks ago in the ACHA showcase. as for how we (eastern) are doing? ill just say were off to a slow start
  6. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d148/cammyboy12/1-1.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d148/cammyboy12/9.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d148/cammyboy12/4.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d148/cammyboy12/6.jpg a few new ones
  7. the hold steady? idk if theyve been mentioned yet. an indie band thats been around for awhile i guess. ive been too lazy to check them out
  8. i may have missed something but from what i understand the sticks are made in the U.S.?
  9. I'm sure no one's going to like blacked-out sticks like I have, but would I start boo-hooing about it? No, so harden the fuck up. i black out my sticks
  10. ...now how does that work?
  11. i thought that rink looked firmiliar
  12. what and why did you tape over on your skates
  13. custom team order eagles Your orange sweaters are hideous! But nice skates :D which ones i have two different ones in the pics
  14. coming off the ice... only decent pic i have so far team photos freshman year oh the old manager ordered yellow for our gloves and not gold thats why theres the difference in color
  15. helmet bauer 4000 combo bauer flak shoulder pads rbk 7k elbow pads vapor xx lite pants nike v-12 shins vapor xx skates vapor xxx lite 102 flex st louis pattern/ zbubble 85 flex with forsberg st blade
  16. bauer 4000/5000 shoulder flak 15 elbow rbk 7k pants nbh xx lites shins nike v-12? skates vapor xx stick xxxlite zbubble st blade underarmour metal lonsleave easton compression jock
  17. what blade is that in the cnt
  18. okgo the clash the ramones alkaline trio--- goodbye forever is a good song sam roberts beck
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