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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. 428 downloads

    2007 Easton Catalogue
  2. 180 downloads

    2007 Eagle Catalogue
  3. 104 downloads

    2007 Christian Catalogue
  4. 174 downloads

    2007 Ballistik Catalogue
  5. 451 downloads

    2007 CCM Catalogue
  6. Version 2.0


    2005 CCM Goal Catalogue
  7. Version 2.0


    2005 CCM Player Catalogue
  8. Ok...you're still over-thinking it. The pitch knob has to be there because of the type of holder and the way it adjusts. They have it set at a certain height from factory because it takes the center of the grinding wheel into account. Blackstone will give you that measurement if you need it. The old style lever style holder has a floating plate that moves up and down when you move the levers, therefore no need for a pitch adjustment. However, on the newer holders, that "plate" is fixed. But yes, you answered your own question in your last post. Having spinners dressing the wheel pretty much ensures that each dress will be true. It's up to you if you want to do the math...
  9. I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, but, look at it? I think you're putting a bit too much thought into this. Turn the machine off, put the blade on the wheel. You should have a general idea on where it is at. For every line on your Pro Square, it is about 6 clicks on the holder in whatever direction.
  10. after a few sharpenings, they loose a bit of their mirror effect. If your sharpener just hones the tips, you won't lose the mirror finish. Similar to a figure skate.
  11. Skills comp at our All-Star Game. I won it. Apparently hit more targets than all of the other divisions that weekend. My nephew's first experience with a Zamboni - they were leaving around the 2nd period so I got off the ice and took him back there
  12. 234 downloads

    2006 TPS Catalogue
  13. 139 downloads

    2006 Vaughn Catalogue
  14. 141 downloads

    2006 Salming Catalogue
  15. 685 downloads

    2006 NBH Catalogue
  16. 275 downloads

    2006 Mission Catalogue
  17. 306 downloads

    MIA 2006 Catalogue
  18. 694 downloads

    Easton 2006 Catalogue
  19. Dude, that's digital, not pearl mustang. Ugh...didn't know they had digital. Oh well.
  20. They won't. It'll be a limited edition run, nothing more.
  21. You'll prob have to drop down to 90/75 in the winter.
  22. Yes, the machine includes the Spinner dress system.
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