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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. just have your blades profiled and pitched forward to your liking
  2. yep thats a stock blade, you will need to pitch the blade forward with a proper profile to get him pitched forward
  3. use shot blockers or external foam with adhesive backing with those jackson skates, those will be the ticket. if you want to spruce them up, put some tuuks or ccm xs holders on them
  4. If anyone lives in sacramento area, looking for a little bit of help with hockey equipment. Please DM JR is this isn't the correct spot please move Thanks
  5. it wasn't intended for anyone specifically, but the waters do and can get muddy. Everyone has brand preferences or a strong brand following or loyalties. But for some to say some eqm's won't care or players don't know is absurd. I agree with protecting intellectual property. I can only assume there will be some blow back from eqm's to bauer. Bauer and Step's steel quality isn't the same, maybe time will tell if it changes. Surprised licensing agreement wasn't attainable
  6. its comical to read all of this and be able to tell right away who is a cheerleader for one brand or another, especially if there is something to gain or perks to be had. pro's know and have choices or else a skate would be a skate, a glove would be a glove, a helmet would be a helmet..........
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