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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by camhockey16

  1. did they have jerseys that looked like togas and laurel wreath stickers on their helmets? i figure you might as well go all out.. i was trying to come up with a name of a stick but coudn't think of anything
  2. got my kovalev dvd today! anybody else get theirs yet?
  3. sounds like murray is finally giving david a chance to prove himself? or maybe he just finally caved in to all the critics? either way - the more playing time he gets, the better off he should be.
  4. i would like to see the game go to OT or shootout. seeing both of them out there on a 4 on 4 would be fun and both doing breakaways would be interesting as well.
  5. i thought they would have his breakaway goal in the highlights from the young stars game - but it's not in there... anyone else have it somewhere?
  6. everybody knows he can do that, it was just a question of if he was going to get the opportunity...
  7. although you could make the arguement that even if that happened, you could give him a broomstick and he would still be able to make them look silly..
  8. sweet, that is priceless i know someone is going to ask - so i might as well.. isn't david #57? or is 7 your number JR? sorry if that's a stupid question
  9. lol page 8 under "Fuel AG Series" I thought it said something else... :D
  10. dang 3 catalogs added on one day! you have been busy have you been holding out on us? :)
  11. aww don't make me have to go back and edit my post now! :P
  12. ill just go on ahead and clear up what everyone else is sort of saying: kovalev is a lefty perron is a righty
  13. prepare for the onslaught of people messaging you to buy it.. lol nice though!
  14. David plays like Kovy and pretty much wears the same equipment as him too. He's probably going to freak out when he plays Kovy, or maybe Kovy will freak out watching him. Anyways I'm getting tickets to that. it will probably be one giant nerdgasm in the locker room before that game - i would love to hear what kovalev ends up saying to him - he would have to be at least a little bit flattered by the whole thing
  15. i noticed he flipped back and forth between his reebok o stick and the ak27 in the games i have seen - i don't see many players do that (i assume becuase they are sponsored by one company?)
  16. i just saw him do a really good impression of kovalev - that was a nice shot for his 2nd goal :P
  17. just saw the replay of his goal - i bet when he is 65 yrs old he will be telling stories of how he dangled some all-star defenceman and ripped it top shelf :P still congrats though - i'm sure he will have some pretty goals before too long as well as long as they keep giving him playing time
  18. ok thanks i'll keep my eye out for one in that case. on a side note when is david going to learn to fly an airplane? :P
  19. so it wouldn't be worth trying? will they see my phone number on the caller id and know not to answer?
  20. so there is pretty much no chance of me touching a pro stock kovalev blade - especially since i am right handed. if i called up warrior and said can you make a right handed pro stock kovalev blade for me they would probably laugh huh?
  21. not to get too off topic - just wanted to ask a quick question.. what is the difference between the regular warrior ak27 kovalev blade and the "pro" version? is the heel of the blade a little smaller or is it something else? got any pics? http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc143/c.../warrior003.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc143/c.../warrior002.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc143/c.../warrior001.jpg
  22. here is what djinferno was talking about: Esposito, Perron, Giroux to lead QMJHL against Russian juniors http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app?articleid=34097...mp;service=page
  23. have alot of nhl people busted his balls for saying kovalev is his favorite player? i mean nobody is questioning kovalev's skill - but i wonder if his teammates will give him a hard time over that.
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