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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by camhockey16

  1. i'm just curious what happened with letang & hartnell at the end there - i know everyone says the flyers are pretty dirty but why risk suspensions and stuff with 1 second left on the clock? did they feel the need to prove their reputation?
  2. yeah they are homers - but plenty of other announcers are as well i prefer lang anyway
  3. im not sure who i feel worse for - emery or coburn - ouch
  4. i thought you meant JR from here - i was gonna say how did he pull that off? but then i saw it was by Jeremy Rutherford :P side question: i looked at david's twitter log but can't figure out how to see the questions that he is answering - is it something stupid i'm missing or not possible?
  5. there are more purple/gold vapor 40 gloves out there just so ya know http://cgi.ebay.com/Pro-Stock-NEW-Nike-Bau...id=p3286.c0.m14
  6. they have an ebay store http://stores.shop.ebay.com/ZIGGYS-SPORTS__W0QQ_armrsZ1
  7. oshie and pieterangelo are playing at least - no sign of perron tho
  8. blue vs. gold scrimmage on as we speak not sure what players are playing though.. http://blues.nhl.tv/team/console.jsp?catid=616&id=44848
  9. doesnt pronger have ridiculously small feet too? i remember hearing that at some point and thought it was funny since he is such a tall guy.
  10. gotten used to the change in weather yet?
  11. need a pic of the palms - but those gloves don't look half bad
  12. tell him they've got nothing to lose now that they are in - hope they are hungry!
  13. what kind of curve? or knowing you i can probably assume custom..
  14. you dont happen to work at UPS international do you mack? I heard a rumor of a lot of packages being lost in transit up near the Anchorage area - they call it the "bermuda icicle"
  15. did he ever actually get sponsored by bauer? i know there was some talk of him being sponsored at one point
  16. how long has he been using the ak27? all the times i'd seen pics of him earlier this season he was using the one95 - or is he just switching back and forth?
  17. i watched the highlights of that game - how many 5 on 3 powerplays did they have? it seemed like half of the highlights was 5 on 3
  18. i love seeing them show john davidson up in the booth after goals - i think he is the only president/gm/govenor in the league that regularly shows emotion - you can tell he just really loves the game
  19. beautiful goal by david tonight - goalie never had a chance! :P and it definitely not the game winner too!
  20. looked like he got in too close and then was pretty much screwed/maybe mishandled it a little bit as well.. wings were lucky to escape with two points considering how much they were outplayed.
  21. i don't think this should be that big of a deal - and maybe it isn't. i saw a clip of alot of penguins playing against each other on psp's as well - its partially a team building thing and also to make the many hours they spend on planes go by quicker. would he prefer they read books?
  22. at least he is being smart about who he picks on - i know a lot of people that would challenge someone twice their size - which i don't normally reccomend
  23. i like that kind of stuff - it lets you see more what they are really like as a person and not just what the general public sees
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