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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by camhockey16

  1. i kinda want to see someone take a pair of mlx skates and mount sprungs on them - would probably be the only pair in the US
  2. i dont think either one of them has posted on here in a while.. any news on david? haven't heard anything lately and i know he hasnt played yet.
  3. ebay? either way - very nice - i love big curves so i would probably be in heaven with those
  4. thats the exact same kovalev stick i have from when he was in pittsburgh - the grip lite with a easton blade
  5. better safe than sorry - better to let yourself get over it instead of rushing back and having recurring issues like so many other nhl players have
  6. how much did those gionta x-60's end up going for on ebay? last i saw they were up to like 170 i think
  7. ten minutes left to get the HT!
  8. anaheim seems to have the attitude of - if they can't beat you on the scoreboard they will try to beat you up - fighting datsyuk & perron & probably others i dont know of
  9. are you a fan of sykora or just like his gloves? or both?
  10. if it was anyone else i would probably call shenanigans - but since it is drew i would bet it is his real collection. does mike have your cell number? he might need some extra sticks this year in motown.
  11. agreed - im loving it but it's going to take me a couple days to get used to it
  12. sounds a little bitter if you were the first guy in line and bought everything that's one thing - but if you bought all the left overs there's nothing wrong with that
  13. how do you not pass out in the vehicle on the way home? or were they curteous enough to wash them?
  14. i loved the z-bubble grip up until i broke it - some of the fastest shots i've ever taken
  15. drew has good sources 'Diff'rent Strokes' actor Gary Coleman dies at 42 http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/TV/05/28/o...P1&iref=NS1
  16. the only way that you aren't going to have to pay an arm and a leg for tickets is if you are currently a season ticket holder or else know someone who is. Now is the time when all the season ticket holders make all their money back and then some, assuming they dont actually want to go to the game. I faintly remember last year penguins tickets started at $500 for the nosebleed seats and went up from there.
  17. i cant decide who would like those skates more - ovechkin or jagr
  18. that glove looks huge in comparison to that chair - what are they size 17?
  19. just say "that ref with the hair" it's easier i bet you could ask him for hair spray..
  20. i was confused about the whole 50th goal play as well - i was at the game and thought for sure it went off guerin, but when ref skated over and talked to guerin and then skated over to the scoring box and signaled 13 with his hands. So I assumed that guerin must have said it did touch him. Then like 5 mins later they announced the goal as crosby's and instantly panned to crosby on the bench where he was shaking his head no.
  21. here is the first video i have seen of it poni gets two games per tsn.ca http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=317320
  22. i would want to see a replay of the hit - i thought the d-man turned at the last second after poni was already committed to the hit - but i haven't seen a replay yet and wasn't sure
  23. im going to the game - dont care much about the game - more excited about seeing the former players and the ceremony
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