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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Krev

  1. +1 Especially unique since they are a 'new' GX 9500.
  2. Ahhhhh Compuware. I remember breaking my collarbone playing against them.
  3. Perhaps he meant he purchased them 30 years ago? I'm not sure. What's the age range on these then? 40+ years?
  4. Speaking of old school, my Grandpa mailed these to me. Bauer's, about 30 years old he says and skated on them twice. The steel is still sharp, no rust anywhere on the skates. I have no idea what these things are but they're freaking awesome.
  5. Yeup, those are them. They were out of stock when I got mine - seems they got more. I recommend them, elbow lock is nice and secure.
  6. The Easton pro elbow pads for this past year were really solid. Tough to find a medium now, as it's out of stock in most places. I replaced my Projekts with them.
  7. The Mako improved upon the MLX, they didn't make it an inferior skate. The Mako II will be more aesthetically pleasing, definitely. I wore MLX for two years and made the switch to the Makos when they became available. The Mako is a superior skate in every way. Lighter, more comfortable with the liner materail, and the holder is awesome. If you want to stick with the MLX way of thinking, go check out VH Footware.
  8. The MLX skates I had lasted for 2+ years with zero toe cap issues.
  9. The Makos are setup by default to be more aggressive and will force you to bend your knees more to get that correct stride that gets the most out of the skate. Not for everyone, but it doesn't take too long to adjust to it.
  10. Will Sherwood be offering a custom program for sticks of any sort?
  11. Yup. Can't wait to see what that reason is this time around. "I still don't like the new holder rah rah rah".
  12. Currently a 'leak' but I've also seen them in person.
  13. They look pretty sweet too. I guess they decided that they should listen to all the cool teens that want black skates
  14. I've found that changing the footbed in the Mako's can create a negative experience for the feet. I originally tried superfeet but they took up too much space and didn't match with the design of the boot. The stock insoles are fantastic, as long as you dry them out properly.
  15. Very very nice. The silver Synergy is one that I still don't have. Though I keep forgetting you're RH so I don't really need to worry about you snatching up things I want, hahaha.
  16. Very nice. Pro stock?
  17. I have a stash of about 20 T-Flex blades, both wood and composite. About three of them have seen use from me. One of the 85's was my main stick for a while. Some of them collect dust.
  18. A huge +1 to yrhmblnr8r for sending me three shafts! The collection... it grows. And these are just the shafts, haha.
  19. I call dibs on the T-Flex shafts. Love the collection, very classic gathering.
  20. The inside of those skates look like they haven't been aired out in a while... Rust on the rivets could have contributed.
  21. A large thank you to Buzz_LightBeer for sending this out to me!
  22. True, but if someone was in Tuuks previously they might prefer that route. LS2 holders are a straight swap with the new Easton holder I think, can't recall.
  23. If the skate fits exactly like it should, then yes, I would swap the holders out. Another solution would be to profile the current steel to a neutral or negative pitch. The stock Easton steel on the Mako's is rockered to be aggressive.
  24. The entire reason I got the Mako's was because I was in MLX to begin with. You also now have the VH skate developed by Scott. They overdid the orange, but I don't mind it. Gives it a certain pop.
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