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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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14 Good


  • Skates
    Easton M8
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 9k
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton Synergy
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Reebok 7k
  • Helmet
    CCM V10
  • Gloves
    Warrior Dynasty AX1
  • Stick

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  1. Yes, my daughter started reffing this season in addition to playing and you have to register separately as an official. Also it's $70 or $75 for refs, but your clinic will be free, unless that changes this coming year.
  2. I'm always interested in Czech or Slovak goods because of my family's heritage. If you do ever pop the insole or the steel out post up a pic I'd be interested to see if it is fastened in the holder like the old Custom+. Did they have markings saying they were made in the Czech Republic? Just curious if they are coming from their shoe factory in the country.
  3. I've currently got these skates to sharpen: Easton S17 Youth 10 Bauer Supreme Accel SMU with light speed edge holder Junior 1.5 Bauer Reactor 5000 youth 13.5 I may be done with youth skates by next fall as feet in the household grow, but I think having to deal with goal skates makes the tall holder necessary?
  4. I didn't want start a whole new topic and this is tangentially related; I'm about to pull the trigger on an X-02, but after reading all the threads I'm still not sure what holder to get, normal or tall, I have youth, goalie and senior size skates in my house to sharpen right now, so I should order the tall holder, correct?
  5. I hate to be that guy but I'm very intrigued by this pure grip shaft geometry, so are these sticks going to be out before July?
  6. Yes, my bad, shouldn't post that early in the morning.
  7. I pulled the trigger on some mx8s. It was almost impossible to get my feet in them prebake, but I milled about with them on for 10 - 15 minutes and didn't feel any pain. They felt unique in a good way and much more comfortable than the jetspeeds I also tried on. I have only had them out for a public skate but no pain after an hour on the ice, and no sloppy feeling like the Tacks 6052s I was in. So far so good.
  8. Thanks for the responses, sounds like it would be worth it to check them out.
  9. Anybody with a semi wide forefoot and low arch care to comment on the comfort of these? I'm considering a pair but I'm worried about volume and pain in the balls of my feet. Vapors are way too narrow, supremes were better but still had some pain, I'm in Tacks now and have no pain but can't get my heel to stay locked in.
  10. Isn't that Wenatchee logo the one that icethetics had some contest to have their readers design?
  11. Helmet: Easton S19, Oakley Straight Visor Elbow Pads: Easton Synergy Gloves: Easton Foote Pro Stocks Pants: Warrior Hustler Shin Pads: Some old Bauer Supreme model Skates: Nike Bauer One75 Sticks: Warrior AK27 shaft, Bauer One55 Blade, TPS R6
  12. The back cover made this old married guys night. :P
  13. Thanksgiving! Off for a long weekend after a three day week where nothing went right. Time to fry up the bird and drink some scotch, ahhh good times, good times.
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