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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About DP_57

  • Birthday 05/28/1988

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Equipment
  • Location
    St Louis, MO

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  1. I have been wearing the shoulder pads for the last 7-8 years or so... Thanks for the support everyone I really appreciate it.
  2. Yup, I touched it. You are right that we can't see it, but as a hockey player you know the feel of a puck hitting your stick... but it won't be changed I guess. I've had 2 pts in the las 4 games like that, but hey stuff happens. By the way, you guys saw the twitter thing I'm doing for Haiti. It would be awesome if you could create an account and start following me if you do not already. Thanks. My username is DP_57
  3. Janssen doesn't use this curve anymore. He is using a Crombeen's stick which is a slightly different curve than the drury. More of a mid-toe curve to it along with the heel of drury.
  4. Don't worry guys, what doesn't kill you, make you stronger...:)
  5. I'm kinda surpriseed Mason isn't. In interviews I've seen with him...he strikes me as a guy with lots to say. BTW, David...congrats on the #1 play of the week on TSN. Gotta get an MSH hat into one of those post game interviews...whadaya say?!?!? hahaha that would be great. I'll talk to JR about that. Ya, tough to disagree with you there. All types have room for improvements though...Technology always improves, so will the equipment. I don't think I surprising anybody there haha.
  6. 3 players only so far are on Twitter. Alex Steen. @a10steen Brad Winchester. @bradwinchester and myself(@DP_57) Thanks for the feedbacks everyone. Very appreciated.
  7. As JR said. I did a Q&A on Twitter tonight and plan on doing that once in a while. By the way, I wanna thank everyone for their support over the years and I plan to be a little more active on MSH. JR and I are planning to do a chat on MSH chat in a few weeks at most. Your support is amazing and that is why I'm trying to give everyone a chance to see what NHLers are up to and stuff like that. I am still a fan of the game and the NHL and I know how everyone is feeling sitting at their computers right now and trying to know more about the equipments, the nhl and hockey in general. That's what its all about. It is very motivating to think that I'm living a dream a lot of people would die for. I hope I will be able to help as many people as I can to reach theirs as well. NHL or not. Talk to you guys very soon. DP_57
  8. Hey guys, I just wanted to thank all of you for the support and all the replies ive got from you guys...I try to read to board as much as I can but I don't get much time to do so...We are off today even if we lost 9-5 yesterday. Also even if its frustrating to not play every game, I got confidence in Andy Murray and I think he knows what he is doing, I'm 19 and I will have my time, its just a matter of being extremly patient now and work as hard as I can. Remember its the nhl and its the highest level, no need to be impatient... Again guys thanks for all the replies and I hope all of you have a good hockey season and Happy holidays...
  9. mmmm, i was 2 feet from the guy and he definatly froze the puck with his hands,after that i pushed the puck with my hand in the five hole of the goalie right in the net, we never know maybe they could of watch th evideo and saw the puck was in and not see i put it in with my hadn, haha, but anyways its over and we look forward to tomorrow.
  10. haha thanks for the comment guys. I hope I wont be busy friday night as I said to JR earlier. If I am, we will do it a few days after that or something...Thanks again guys.
  11. so hard to sign inside of a hat... yeah, any of you guys saw my hit on Letang, haha. solid hit. its on rds.ca, there is a little section for videos and just click on the title: La premiere au Maineiacs.
  12. Good job JR. I hope i'm gonna met you there and go out for a dinner or something after the draft as I will probably stay there for a few days after. I'll know more later I guess. Thanks for every comments guys,
  13. Yeah, we kept are jerseys.
  14. It was stressful for the skills testing in the morning when there was nobody in the stands but the scouts, and lots of scouts and some GMs, but I guess like every hockey player, once you step on the ice, you stress goes away. It took me like 3 shifts to get more in my game, and the more and more the game advanded, I was playing better and better.
  15. I don't have an individual pic with the trophy.
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