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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mgoblue

  1. They'll be awesome if the color holds up.
  2. Looks like you've got a 60 year-old defenseman and a 13 year-old goalie.
  3. Not sure you'll be able to gather any information from it, but...
  4. It's a recent obsession, interesting idea though. Still, not sure I could deal with going to an all-boys school. Our "WE HAVE GIRLS!" chant against Catholic Central in the state playoffs was epic... the girls in the stands even got into it and started dancing and chanting.
  5. The orange madness continues.
  6. Those really are awesome, Fletch. How'd you go about getting all the custom tweaks, and how much did it add to the cost?
  7. Funny you should post that - I got my PPFs today and felt the exact same way. I've had them on my hands almost all day today (stayed in to study for finals), and they've started to feel much better, but they initially felt very uncomfortable coming from the pillowey 4-rolls.
  8. Haha; that was a highlight reel goal. I was actually pretty interested in giving the FBV a whirl but was, as you alluded to, too afraid of falling in love with it and being SOL with the second-rate sharpenings I'm stuck with up at school.
  9. They look like Fubars. And if that is the case, what appears to be his name would be the size info:
  10. Finally added the missing piece to the orange and black puzzle (the pants). Flyers helmet with orange visor, Anaheim 4-rolls, old Calgary pants.
  11. Well done. Very, very well done.
  12. Stumbled upon a couple high school shots... the days when I cared more about my skill than my equipment :lol: Pre-Game Surrounded by incompetent teammates. I used to have dangles?
  13. Added pro-stock Franklin Calgary Flames pants.
  14. Solid collection. Did you color in the Rbks yourself?
  15. Had to do it. I had a steady stream of birthday money coming in and I couldn't let it just sit in the bank, haha! Got a (relatively) great deal on them from Hockeyservices; I called in at JR's recommendation.
  16. Added Eagle PPFi - Colorway 439 (black/orange) on tufftek
  17. Added Eric Weinrich pro-stock white Flyers Bauer 4000 helmet with orange Oakley visor.
  18. You're annoying. Maybe "Show It Off" was the wrong topic to click, eh?
  19. With the Blues, yes.
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