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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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th6252 last won the day on June 11 2013

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  1. So I pulled out an unused A6.0 I got on sale a while back when total hockey was still a thing and I had this issue as well, along with my other 2. So I took some goof off and an old sock turned inside out and the adhesive came right off. Took me maybe a total of 10 min to do and I now a relatively gloss finished stick with no damage to the paint. Thanks for the tip!
  2. No idea, just thought it felt and looked a little weird. I’m used to seeing the front tip of the Holder sticking out the front of the boot a bit when looking down at the skates. I know all skates/holders are constructed differently, but it’s not something I was used to seeing.
  3. Good to know thanks!
  4. Yeah, I assume the holder thing is a fairly easy fix for a competent shop to do, but (not that I pretend to know much a swapping holders) it didn’t seem there was much real estate on the outsole go go bigger.
  5. Had a chance to try on the TF9 over the weekend and I gotta say, fit for me was nearly spot on...just a few small hotspots that I’m pretty sure can be punched out. Had to go down a half size which is nice since it puts me into a jr boot and an extra $200 savings which makes them an even better deal than they already are. Now the negatives(for me). I just didn’t like the thin stock tongue. I was surprised because usually this kind of thing doesn’t bother me and I’m fine with whatever typically comes stock. The nice thing is the boots have a good amount of depth so it should be no problem if I want to swap out to a thicker felt tongue. Not sure if I missed it earlier in the thread but has it been confirmed that you’re able to order felt tongues from True? The other negative for me is along with going down a half size in the boot comes a smaller holder, 246, than I’d like(used to 254, and even 263). Just kind of threw me off. But again, should be a simple fix if the larger holder will fit on the boot.
  6. Check IW
  7. While already seemingly a great value for high end skates, they’ve become all the more tempting for me now with the limited time rebate program.
  8. Too bad man. But hopefully this will be a new beginning to your hockey journey and you’ll find a team you’ll be happier with. Good luck!
  9. Maybe check out the Sherwood Rekjer line. The shoulder caps seem pretty low profile on them and they have the adjustable biceps guards.
  10. 2n doesn't exist in 13, i think they stopped making nexus 13" in the previous generation.
  11. if you can, try to find a place that has a computerized traction(cervical decompression, not static traction) machine. that and targeted exercises may be the only thing that saves you from more aggressive medical intervention.
  12. The pinky and ring finger are innervated by nerve roots C7 and C8. Can make an argument the C5 and C6 was causing the shoulder symptoms, but not at all when it comes to the fingers. Also, the fact that the medrol dose pack did nothing to alleviate your symptoms is alarming. Honestly, you really need an MRI ASAP with your constant radicular symtoms and weakness. Likely the only reason they're having you do a month of conservative treatment first is because your insurance likely won't authorize the test without it.
  13. Yeah, I wasn’t sure what was going on until I just saw your post. I just checked another A6.0 I forgot I had that I’d cut but never prepped for use and noticed the same sticky feeling. ...nothing that a bit of matte clear coat can’t fix.
  14. Yes, I noticed it in my A5.2 and A6.0(the original line). I hadn’t played in almost 2 years and noticed they both felt very tacky. Was assuming it was coming from either residue on my gloves or residue from the cohesive grip tape on the handle that I hadn’t changed in a few years.
  15. I’ve dealt with a similar issue as well, but my shins may not be quite as short as yours. What ended up working for me eventually was the Bauer Pro Series shins that came out in 2010. They were the predecessor to nexus protective and came in adult 13” size so they were noticeably deeper fitting than any other 13” jr shin on the market(including the top of the line Reebok 10k at the time).and I also found they tended to run a touch shorter than anything else on the market. I also remember checking out the the Nexus 8000 line as well looking for a possible replacement down the road in case my pro series went caput and found they had a very similar fit as well. So maybe check to see if you can find nexus 8000(or even 6000) in 13”.
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