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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by th6252

  1. i never realized the s19 comes in a 75 flex...intriguing. also, what's the news with the bio-dry socks? possible competition for edge socks, or just a cheesy copy?
  2. i guess this is more of a general locker room bag rant than stick time/open hockey rant. for those of us who skate at places with smallish locker rooms, PLEASE KEEP YOU SHOCK DOCTOR BAGS OUT! those things are huge and take up so much space as they are not collapsible...man, they really get in the way.
  3. out of curiosity, what size would that be? I believe size 6. then it looks like i'm in the club too.
  4. out of curiosity, what size would that be?
  5. i'm assuming those are jr. sized shins? i'm curious as to how the width is on those as there is typically a huge difference going from 14" sr. shins to 13" jr. shins as opposed to say going from a sr. 15" to sr. 14". i'd like to know as i have short but thick legs and can't seem to find a pair of shins short and wide enough so that i can go tongues out.
  6. so what's the fit like compared to the s15's? more volume, wider, the same?
  7. got a question now that a lot of you guys have had a chance to put some time into these skates. do the x60's seems to put you on your toes a bit more than the XXXX's? kinda like ccm or reebok? or would i still need to add a lift to get a similar feel?
  8. is it me or were these guys being a-holes? here's the scenario: a rink not too far from me has stick time on the weekends on sat. and sun. remember, i said stick time not open hockey. every weekend you see all different types coming out from little kids to older men along with some pretty good players. today, a group of guys i'd guess either college-aged or in their 20's come out in full gear, about 10-12 along with a goalie and decide to take half the ice to play pick-up. they're going full bore just short of full contact, not like they were just practicing. also, it's not like it was just a group of hs kids just having some fun. they were full grown adults, albeit young, who were pretty high-level players. coming late to the rink, i'm like "is there open hockey today?", then i noticed these little kids and random players skating around on the other half. there were quite a few people who came out, and a good amount of kids ranging from 3-12 along with their fathers, some still learning how to skate(which is what i thought stick time was for). now am i being a bit too sensitive about this or does anyone else think this is a recipe for disaster? if it was just a group of adults then i'd be a little less po'd about it, but there were kids wandering onto the other side of the rink every now and again just because they didn't know any better. i could easily see one of those guys not paying attention for a split second and bam!, someone's kid is in the hospital. imo, if you wanna play pick-up, leave it for drop-in/open hockey. i didn't think stick was an appropriate time for this. even though i pretty much suck, i was tempted to lay a shoulder into a guy who pretty much ran into me...on our side of the ice. i saw him coming so it was only a minor glancing blow enough to take him off the puck...yeah, i could've gotten out of the way, but he was on our side ;-) [/end rant] thoughts?
  9. maybe they're the 12" junior 4-rolls? tried them on in the shop, and to be honest, didn't seem like a true junior sized glove. could've easily passed for a 13" glove for other companies.
  10. so between the s17 and se16, can anyone tell me which is the wider and/or deeper fitting boot? i'm told that eastons generally have a wide fit already.
  11. What difference does it make to you either way? The items were specific enough that I don't doubt the veracity of his claims, I was just making light of the perceived tone. maybe he meant to post in the "show it off" thread?
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