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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by markush

  1. Two questions: I am currently in SuperTacks AS1 skates (custom one already with XS holder though). Any idea how to explain how big a step / improvement a jump to the XF Pro would be? Also regarding stiffness, what would be a drawback of XF Pro vs XF ?
  2. Any weight data / comparison information available yet?
  3. How was transforming from AS1 to AS3 ?
  4. The lightweight design is definitely great of the E700 but ventilation is really bad. And I see a good potential that this new structure / approach in helmet design should also be able to provide lightweight specs. Hopefully we get them soon.
  5. The thing is - more comfortable foam in the toe box or reduces the width of the forefoot space. This has poked me in the AS1 (total custom version). So hope the toe box is comfy and wide enough.
  6. Had some troubles with too much pressure at navicular bone with the AS1 (and I know quite a few more players) - hope they addressed that with the new model.
  7. How do they compare in weight to E700?
  8. It’s not about boot stiffness itself rather than the angle that gets up to high when there is too little volume. So restricting the movement.
  9. This topic is really underrated. I made the discovery that when there is not enough volume in the skate (not passing pencil test or seeing a „bulge“ when the skates are tied up) this considerably restricts the mobility of the foot - especially when it comes to the direction needed for the toe flick. Has anyone also experienced that?
  10. Yes I learned that it was an option by reading the PDF which was posted here. Seems the rep that made my Total Custom order selected that without asking me.
  11. yes I also baked them - but will try to remove that „comfort foam“ in the forefoot as it takes away too much width. Also the heel lock is not as good as in the retail version for me. And my pressure point on the navicular bone still is a problem.
  12. I still got pressure points of the custom AS1 😞 There is also a foam on the toe box outer area (where the little / fifth toe is) maybe I should try removing that? Anyone else experiencing this?
  13. It got better over time, so no more pain - but really would love someone from CCM could provide feedback on this known topic.
  14. Unfortunately making a foto is difficult. Imagine a quite flat bottom in retail with quite little shape/arch support vs really 3D custom feet bed/arch support
  15. The insole / arch support has a tremendous effect on foot pain. Try to loosen the tension in your foot by using a tennis ball a few hours before you skate (stretching of plantar fascia)
  16. Through the base of the Total Custom AS1 is completely different from the retail version. It’a completely molded to match my arch - whereas the retail skate has nearly a complete flat base.
  17. Oh the CCM Total Custom fit just fine - the thing is just if you use the Orthomove insoles which have an additional foot arch this makes it so painful. As the bottom of the skates (so it's really a 360 degree total customization) are also custom molded on the CCM Total Custom the plain insoles should be used to get the best fit as it was 3D scanned. I also had the Bauer 1X with the Speedplate - but that is just the "old approach", having a plain botton of the skate and adjusting the insole to match the better fit.
  18. Yes - also just the yellow Orthomove without any attachments, and still this was very painful. Another player who also did a Total Custom AS1 just had the exact problem! He told me he tried without any attachments and when wearing one of them the pain was unbearable. But there is no single word of CCM on what insoles are intended for Total Custom Skates.
  19. Thank you! Just one single question: have a problem at the left navicular bone (inside of the foot) though even it was photographed along with the 3D scan it seems it wasn’t adressed. Any chance to solve this?
  20. Got my Total Custom AS1 Skates - and had the worst pain in Skates I ever experienced. When investigating further I realized that I obviously shouldn’t use any of the Orthomove insoles - rather than using just the plain, standard insole as the bottom of the skate already has some „molding“. Is this right? Are they intended to use with the plain, default (black) insole? It‘s somehow misleading as the orthomove insoles also were placed near the skates when delivered.
  21. Any more real world feedback on skates?
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