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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by #94

  1. The stick is a Bauer Supreme 3030. Not sure whether it’s loading the image.
  2. Bring back these graphics in a skate graphics package... And these graphics in a stick graphics package... ... and take all my money. All of it.
  3. Junkyard, what size are those Flyweights? I see 272mm on the steel...
  4. 1) Bauer Supreme 2) Mission Flyweight 3) Bauer/Micron Mega
  5. I'm curious. What exactly did you learn from Bobby, and how did you learn it? Please, do go into detail. Humor me...
  6. Why do you think that, Mack? I ask because every individual is going to have their preference, so if the retail market covered all curve possibilities (i.e. heel, mid-heel, mid, mid-toe, toe) wouldn't the figures be somewhat evenly distributed? I know that the patterns which have larger sweet spots (i.e. Modano/Forsberg/PM9) are going to be popular no matter what. Unless i'm simply ignorant to the fact that toe curves don't do well at retail? P.S. It's been awhile, good to see MSH is still up and running and we still have all the original Corebeamers/EMB guys/gals here. (Well, for the most part.)
  7. Definitely not lighting. Pete MacArthur of BU wears a pair that are basically all black...
  8. If I were to order the MB33 in a 13" would it come out looking like Marian Hossa's cuff? I'm looking for something with virtually no cuff, but still fits like a 14" glove.
  9. Correction, the bottom link did not work for me. Acrobat opened and loaded, but no images/type appeared.
  10. What blade is that on the 1100 between the CCM and the shaft with the PM6 Kovalchuk blade? What curve?
  11. That, and the top eyelet is lowered. Not so much taking an eyelet out as lowering the top one. Taking the top eyelet out would have the same effect...
  12. I don't know nothin' about no upcharge, son... ;)
  13. Indeed. They're not that long though, the picture makes them look like Gionta tongues, but only about 3-4" of the tongue sticks out when I fold it out. I don't know why, but the white tongue is much softer than the regular black... could the black tongues be dyed or something of that nature? Who knows...
  14. Newest Vapor XXX's...
  15. FYI, The new SL's paint still chips everywhere...
  16. I used to be on a 7' neutral radius with a 5/8" hollow. Speed was slower than I was used to, but turning was incredible... I switched a few months ago to a 9' forward pitched radius with a 5/8" hollow and I'm not switching to anything else anytime soon, I love it.
  17. Didn't anyone mention Modano? He's tops in the show...
  18. Amen to that! Amen to chew, Amen to beer, and Amen to wedges.
  19. Those are Dustin Brown's no? What type of palm is that?
  20. Helmet: Bauer 4000. Best there is. Visor/Cage: Oakley Pro Visor (got it from the Flyers, wear it when I'm allowed to wear a visor) /Jofa 480. Want to get Itech Concept II Deluxe. Shoulder Pads: Nike V10. Don't really care too much about shoulder pads. They do their job. Elbow Pads: Jofa 9177 modified pro. Amazing pads. Gloves: Easton Air Pro Stock, Navy. Awesome gloves. On my 3rd pair. Pants: Nike Pro Stock. Great pants. Shin Pads: Jofa 8090. Great pads. Skates: Custom Bauer Vapor XX with extra ankle padding and less stiffness. Also, with Graf-like tongue. Awesome skates. By far the best. Sticks: Bauer Vapor XX Kovalchuk Pro Stock. Easton Stealth YP pattern. Opposite patterns, but love both sticks.
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