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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mack

  1. Maybe he's just going to wait till he's established himself, like Bure holding off on a 9x number till he was a vet. Well, if so I hope he has better luck.
  2. Thank god that line isn't around anymore. I'm not a weight wuss but those were heavy as hell.
  3. Damn David, you look like Steve-o. Best of luck.
  4. Time to test the Rodrigo y Gabriela waters as I'm heading to their show tonight. Some of it sounds nice, just hate the venue.
  5. AIM, MSN, email, Yahoo. Pick one and move it there.
  6. You'd think a team that's had to overhaul its roster so much would have fans that could come up with new lines but alas...here we are.
  7. Lkpt it's just the same old stock-issue Devil hate. Say what they will about the Devils killing hockey; they scored off of it and didn't use it as a crutch like the league did.
  8. Google must not keep songs made before 2007 =(
  9. Maybe it's too old or too Euro for people here but I don't hear enough Underworld. I'm listening to Lovely Broken Thing and it's pretty much gold.
  10. By the by, P4 is pompous for "Modano/Forsberg."
  11. I'm just going to add a picture of my apple bag to everyone of my posts until people learn to quote.
  12. Awesome, I can't wait till winter to be tinkering with all this stuff in the garage and getting high off fumes.
  13. Oh no, I don't want my paint job being mucked up so that's what I was wondering. If it won't affect the spray paint then I'm definitely going to find some of this stuff.
  14. Have you tried it on sticks that were user-painted? Most of mine get the Krylon makeover so I'd wonder if that'd rip that off. I guess I'll just give it a try and look for that stuff, thanks.
  15. Halfmoon- Awesome news, I'm glad you're digging it. What did you use to get it cleaned? I'll have to try that on some other gunky sticks I've got.
  16. They may not be NBH's top skate but they're very much a top-of-the-line skate. It's all semantics and this board doesn't handle it very well.
  17. We have a lot of members who presumably grew up under power lines.
  18. I picked up some monkey blade buddy things. This is why I'm hot.
  19. He can't read or shoot. Can he skate?
  20. Since this has become nothing about pictures, this will now be called "Sewing Circle" or "Tea Party." Maybe even "Old Lady Bridge Night at the Silversteins."
  21. The butt-end. He loves it.
  22. Yes. Alexisonfire sucks incredible amounts of ass but I like what he did in Neverending White Lights.
  23. Probably because it looks like he forced him in there, like in the pics from StufFHMAxim magazine.
  24. I know you're not the one in the NHL, which puts us at about par.
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