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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mack

  1. Got some more AK27 Kovalevs and put them in Z-Cores and jesus is this thing deadly. Played around with some of my brother's teammates and I would kick so much ass in high-school hockey with this set-up and my general awesomeness.
  2. I feel bad for any future girlfriend you may have then.
  3. Haven't used them much since I got them, but they're all right. I don't like the flex but I do like the nipple grip.
  4. Gee, I wonder why you'd be breaking sticks.
  5. Apparently you didn't see them if you somehow missed the price.
  6. I can't wait till custom gloves show up in this thread.
  7. The Retard Fairy is pulling overtime this year and blessing us with her plentiful bounty.
  8. It's a crackerjack team we have here. Awesome work.
  9. God I love pertinence.
  10. The Defender is still the only beast they made.
  11. Velvet Underground. Obviously nothing new but I can't imagine many here listening to them let alone knowing of them.
  12. Damn, how bad is the shipping cost to Dyslexia?
  13. Last time I saw Sigur Ros was last Valentine's Day. May as well have made my wife roofie coladas.
  14. Even then, but mine are about at zero cuff or whatever TPS called it.
  15. Retails don't look bad but there's too much cuff for my liking.
  16. Oh the Mission Sundins are on fire, HG1 style and everything. I even like the little Mission logo and hadn't been a fan of it before.
  17. How my sister gets into her Prius is beyond me. I felt like I was teabagging the windshield in that thing.
  18. Did you get an idea on how to shoot yet?
  19. I had sent my address for those and everything, fooey.
  20. They had those for softball? Damn, I remember guys still using them in college because they're essentially sledgehammers. I'll go with the oldschool EA70s.
  21. Jesus, I had to sit in the back seat and put my legs into the passenger seat.
  22. I got stuck in a Focus on a work trip a couple weeks ago. I felt like Hightower in Police Academy.
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