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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mack

  1. I commend you on taking out the Swoosh as that's the reason the majority of people buy them for. Besides, these belong here more than pro-return gloves someone bought.
  2. I feel like I should rant all the things I could say just to cockblock the guys that have/will try to be witty.
  3. But you're operating under the assumption that Andy Murray is a good coach.
  4. Nice mitts. That's what mine will be but in (p)leather.
  5. Ignorant? Dude, you posted pictures of a curve to figure out what it was without ever stopping to check the tenon for the other stamp.
  6. What happens when you hit the SHOP link at the top of every page?
  7. Do you own one pair of jeans? People have extra shit, get a bridge.
  8. I think the SE grip will be in 100 and 85; non-grip will be 100-85-70.
  9. NBH 4 Rolls Green/Gold 3 more A/C 7100s to the stock pile.
  10. I think it's Silver Diamond Pro.
  11. Well they're in Canada so it may be something weird like lira or francs.
  12. I think I've just retired from anything made in the last 10 years that calls itself "hard." Other than 36 Crazyfists, but that's just me pulling for an Alaskan band.
  13. Sheeit, at least you don't get raped by shipping charges. I'm getting quotes of about $30-$40 for shipping.
  14. Much appreciated, Fletch. I'm still in the tinkering phase of what I'm going to get so that may work.
  15. Maybe it won't be such a bad thing if you can't. It may take you off the Ryan Smith/Maxim Afinogenov train tracks of dressing too much like their idol.
  16. You're in my boat, the SOL boat. Same thing I'm facing but I'm working on something.
  17. Yeah, because it's usually a compliment to imply that you need to be stoned to listen to them. No, sorry, I can't keep it to myself that Alexisonfire is utter crap.
  18. No one who listed those bands can goof on Radiohead. I hate to ever goof on someone's music choice but it's unavoidable when someone lists that crap and goofs on another band, let alone a good one.
  19. It's been effective since before '04. Seriously? Bringing up an age-old topic to see why people are goofing on white cages? Goofing on from years ago, mind you. It doesn't help to presume you know how things should run, either.
  20. I feel bad that I get the album title's reference.
  21. Pissant, if I wasn't we'd have a lot more members like you.
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