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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by goaliemanshark

  1. You bought some creepers with someone else's name on the cuff? I hope you got a discount....
  2. I would assume its PSHG's fault. Their customer service and communcation is terrible.
  3. I really need a titanium cage.
  4. You're missing something! Enjoy the RS bro!
  5. Hmmmm. Interesting philosophy. Sadly wouldn't i have to be in shape before that happens? You saw me... ha! Give me a few years and this can hold true.
  6. Dear hockey monkey: If you show an item in stock, actually stock that item. If you don't have an item, dont show you do. It's really not that hard! Why is it so hard to find a good pair of skates?!
  7. Very nice! While losing 110 pounds is impressive I thought you I weighed 110 pounds from 310 pounds. That would have be miraculous. Probably unhealthy! Congrats on the weight loss! And don't give up. I myself have lost about 50 pounds. The key to me is just do something to at least break a sweat everyday, the more sweat the better. Hockey is the best way to lose weight for me I think.
  8. Holy hell, did you lose that much weight? Congratulations man! Teach me your ways!
  9. I tap the brakes oh so gently, just so my lights turn on. A don't actually slow down much. I do it in the attempt to get them off my ass. It's not dangerous at all as i don't slow down, they do. It can be dangerous if there is someone tailgating the person tailgating me. Then i would never do it.
  10. Update: Helmet: Easton S19 with S17 cage Shoulders: Easton EQ50 Elbows: Easton EQ50 Shins: Easton EQ50 Pants: You guessed it. Easton EQ50 Gloves: Easton customs Skates: Easton S17 blacks Stick: Easton Stealth RS 85 Hall Jock: Easton EQ5 Skate Socks: Easton Synergy Lolololol
  11. Sadly he wasn't a "random roommate" I'm not enough of a douche to do all this stuff you guys are suggesting. Although it would be fun. I much prefer the passive aggressive approach. I wonder if letting my bird yell for a long period of time is getting on his nerves yet. Maybe ill only wash my dishes and put his back into the sink, he doesn't appear to know how to load an empty dishwasher or empty a clean dishwasher. Only knows how to load a clean dishwasher. What a toolbox. He won't he say hi to me when he walks by or drives up in his car. The tension is really bad. UG! Only 2.5 more months...
  12. Eating my food, putting dirty dishes in the clean dishwasher, leaving crap around, not turning off lights. It's the lttle things that realllllly get under my skin. Oh and apparently he smokes now. I just remembered he is sleeping on my parent's mattress.... hmmmm
  13. My roommate is a giant train wreck. Have to figure out a way to kick him out. Plus im sick. Also got a flat tire! Woooo
  14. Why is it so difficult to find a well run hockey league? I am now a member of three hockey leagues and they all appear to be run by morons League 1: Never get any email responses, terrible officiating, horrible scheduling (zamboni drivers dont get scheduled for example), the list goes on. Imagine the worst run league possible and you have mine. League 2: Ive been playing out (as opposed to goal) for about three years now. Im basically lower intermediate level and I got placed in a league that has someone who played Major Juniors! MAJOR JUNIORS. How is that fair for me and everyone else? League 3: I go on a week vacation and decide ill come in early to see if i can sub the game before mine. I find out from some teammates standing around that they had been "traded" last week and i should prolly check the rosters. Turns out i had been traded with no warning and im glad i came in early for my game or i wouldn't have been able to play that night. How hard is it to sending a flipping email!!!!!!!!!
  15. Sounds like someone needs a new team. Or someone else needs a good jab to the face.
  16. Is it just me or have people been noticing a lot more stupidity and moronic posts around here!
  17. I was going to point out that Mr. Jovanovski played for the Panthers from 95-99. Buttttt i don't think they made Warrior Luxe's back then. In fact Warrior has only been in the hockey world since 2005... haha! Very, very impressive Dupes!
  18. Chadd that's terrible to say, I'm sure there are couples on here, perhaps who have met playing hockey. I'm confused where the baggage comment came from. Did someone have a bad experience? Sounds like a good story!
  19. I had no idea you could do that much on custom skates... Wow, you're getting me thinking!
  20. New skates are make me feel like im flying! Plus im going to be playing 4 days a week now, stoked!
  21. If a hockey store (like hockey tron) starts selling these OEM products wouldn't the designing company (in this case, Easton)get mad at them and stop selling them their product. If i were Easton, i would stop selling to hockey tron in a heart beat!
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