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What is the best way to shoot

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So many people now a days are shooting off of the wrong foot and I was just wondering whether or not if it is still the wrong way to shoot, Thanks!

Wristshots by the way

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...It's a weird shot that takes alot of practice. I've been using it for awhile now, and I'm still tinkering with it a little bit, still making small improvements nearly everytime I'm on the ice.

There really is no set "right" and "wrong" way to shoot the puck. I just use what I think is going to give me the best chance to put the puck in the net, which means my shot selection changes everytime I load-up. I go with what I'm most comfortable with in the given situation, sometimes I'll go with the "conventional" wrister, sometimes I'll throw the wrong-footer out, a quick little snapper or a backhander. There are so many different variables that go into decision making while on the ice it's nearly impossible to nail-down a "correct" and "incorrect" method.

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...It's a weird shot that takes alot of practice. I've been using it for awhile now, and I'm still tinkering with it a little bit, still making small improvements nearly everytime I'm on the ice.

There really is no set "right" and "wrong" way to shoot the puck. I just use what I think is going to give me the best chance to put the puck in the net, which means my shot selection changes everytime I load-up. I go with what I'm most comfortable with in the given situation, sometimes I'll go with the "conventional" wrister, sometimes I'll throw the wrong-footer out, a quick little snapper or a backhander. There are so many different variables that go into decision making while on the ice it's nearly impossible to nail-down a "correct" and "incorrect" method.

Exactly. If you don't have the time to take another stride onto your "right" foot, then you are forced to whip out the "wrong" footer. Having both of them down is key, because at least once a game you will be forced to do this. While traditional coaches, at least when they are teaching shooting will show you to take the shot off of your back foot, you still have to have this one down pat because as I said, you need it quite often.

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Thanks guys, Thats good for me then because I've been working on both shots because I wasnt sure which one seemed better but now thanks to your input I do not need to worry about one shot, thanks alot!!

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I actually became pretty proficient at shooting from the "off foot" accidentally. Years ago I broke my left ankle (I shoot righty.) I came back way earlier than I should have and that ankle was still killing me when I put shooting weight into it on a wrist shot. I started to learn to shoot off my right foot and have been doing that ever since 90% of the time.

Slappers, I still shoot with my weight on my left foot.

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So many people now a days are shooting off of the wrong foot and I was just wondering whether or not if it is still the wrong way to shoot, Thanks!

Wristshots by the way

Niewy is reknown for his off-foot wrister. It's part of the reason for his early goal success (one of the early players to really perfect - caught a lot of goalers off guard).

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Calling it the "wrong" foot is an inaccurate term. I'd prefer to call it the "off" foot.

Textbook speaking, if you're a right handed shot, you should be shooting with your weight on your left (or front) foot (which means your right foot is your "off" foot.) Of course, vice versa if you shoot left. Now keep in mind this is just what most instructional "learn to play" books tell you but remember they also tell you to have your dominant hand at the butt end when holding the stick, and not a whole lot of people do that.

In all aspects of hockey, I'd say do whatever feels comfortable and is most beneficial to you. Who cares if the technique is ugly...if it works... :P

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Calling it the "wrong" foot is an inaccurate term. I'd prefer to call it the "off" foot.

Textbook speaking, if you're a right handed shot, you should be shooting with your weight on your left (or front) foot (which means your right foot is your "off" foot.) Of course, vice versa if you shoot left. Now keep in mind this is just what most instructional "learn to play" books tell you but remember they also tell you to have your dominant hand at the butt end when holding the stick, and not a whole lot of people do that.

In all aspects of hockey, I'd say do whatever feels comfortable and is most beneficial to you. Who cares if the technique is ugly...if it works... :P

I drive off my right leg while shooting, it adds a ton of force to my shot. I end up on my left leg after the shot.

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i for some odd reason shoot better with my off foot. i shoot left, play right wing and when i shoot i lift my right up but forward a bit. i don't turn my left skate sideways or anything i just keep them straight. or in other words when i shoot in motion i end the shot in motion. but for one timers when i'm not in motion i shoot with my right foot planted and turn my skate in.

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if you try to bend your stick to get a quicker shot it is better to have your weight on your right foot for a right shot. This allows you to put some of your body weight on you stick and bend it a little more which will give you some added power. This is abou the only way i take shots, unless it is a slapper.

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So many people now a days are shooting off of the wrong foot and I was just wondering whether or not if it is still the wrong way to shoot, Thanks!

Wristshots by the way

Niewy is reknown for his off-foot wrister. It's part of the reason for his early goal success (one of the early players to really perfect - caught a lot of goalers off guard).


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I think you have to be proficient in shooting of both.

As a RH shot, if I shoot wristers of my left I can get a bit more sting on it because you can get your trunk power into it (no I'm not an elephant).

But the element of suprise to a goalie and putting the weight on to flex for a snap shot, off my right foot is helpful too.

I can't shoot slap shots for sh*& so I'll not comment. The only one I ever seem to connect on is turn-around slappers....probably cos I'm concertrating on the turn and not the shot too much?!?

I remember Guy Herbert saying about Selanne, most of the goals he scored wouldn't break a pane of glass, but it was that he shot when he didn't expect it.

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So many people now a days are shooting off of the wrong foot and I was just wondering whether or not if it is still the wrong way to shoot, Thanks!

Wristshots by the way

Niewy is reknown for his off-foot wrister. It's part of the reason for his early goal success (one of the early players to really perfect - caught a lot of goalers off guard).


Mark Recchi comes to mind as well.

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In my mind, it seems like you should be stronger on your "on" foot because it should allow greater weight transfer. In practice, it seems like high-level players are equally good on both feet.

If you take time to think about which foot you're shooting off of in a game situation, you've lost chance to score anyway. Either the goalie is in place to make the save or the defense gets there to block. Because of that, I think that it's important to practice both.

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Any goalies on here? I've been told that goalies look at the puck but can see when a player's hips close if they shoot off the proper foot, and that is when they stop shuffling and get set / butterfly. When somebody shoots on the off-foot, the hips don't give away the shot and the 5-hole might still be open etc.

None of the goalies on my teams will admit to that, though.

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Any goalies on here? I've been told that goalies look at the puck but can see when a player's hips close if they shoot off the proper foot, and that is when they stop shuffling and get set / butterfly. When somebody shoots on the off-foot, the hips don't give away the shot and the 5-hole might still be open etc.

None of the goalies on my teams will admit to that, though.

My spring team coach is getting us to learn how to shoot while were skating. This also catches goalies off guard.

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My primary shot is the snapper, and I feel i have better speek and accuracy wen shooting it off my "off" foot. For slappers and wrister(Which i seldomly use) I shoot off the proper foot. My dad always yells at me to shot of the proper foot, but I feel i can control my shots better off the "off" foot.

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I've seen a lot of players claim to be able to shoot harder from their off foot - and when I shoot from my off foot it seems like it's at least as hard... at least until I get the radar gun out and check. I bunch of us tried it, and although a few swore that their off-foot shots were harder, no-ones actually were.

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i think i've learn to shoot better with my off foot because i used to play nothing but road hockey when i was young and there was just no way to shoot the ball with the right foot planted while your in motion cause there was no way to stop with rollerblades on. it was a lot better for me to shoot with my off foot then my right foot cause then i could put some weight behind it without my right foot turning inwards and taking a bad fall while i'm going towards the net at high speeds.

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