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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Big changes?

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Maybe its just me, but I can not find any wife holding a Warrior stick. The only stick I see is on the front cover and its red. No print on it.

Also, I would just love it if Adidas came back into the sport again. I would buy everything.

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Maybe its just me, but I can not find any wife holding a Warrior stick. The only stick I see is on the front cover and its red. No print on it.

Also, I would just love it if Adidas came back into the sport again. I would buy everything.

On the one page where all of the wifes have Eagles on, look at the one on the far left, she is holding a Warrior stick/shaft.

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My point is that if a shop has booked $50K with Mistech and is then promising their customers for weeks on end that the delivery is anyday now, the shop looks like idiots and the buyer is screwed. These problems happen, they have happened before in this industry, and will probably happen again. It is just experience and instinct that helps the buyer decide which vendor gets his open-to-buy $. Easton will always have the same problems: promise March delivery on product booked in January, ship mid April instead. I am still waiting on gloves from that January booking.

You are so right on this one, nothing worse than booking in January and not getting your order before season starts. I'm experiencing that right now with a major manufacturer. I've lost lots of sales, and probably lot more if I don't get stuff soon. Whats worse is the internet sites have the gear. Customers can only wait so long.

ANY company that can meet it's orders will do well with retailers, including Warrior.

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I just hope that Warrior makes their OPS's just as Innovative made theirs.

I hate to see companies take over other comapnies and use their "new technology." Inno's sticks are great, so I hope they don't change anything but the graphics..

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I would think that they would stick with Innovatives designs. Inno makes good stuff. No real reason to redesign everything.

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When that rep comes around next year looking for the booking order to be even larger than this year and that he wants more representation in your shop, ask him what happened this year and why should you make the same mistake twice. A large part of this business is not making the same mistake twice. You didn't make the mistake, though. You got caught up in the vendor screwing you. Let him know you're pissed off and spend your $ with the vendor that delivered. I know this is "old news" but I know what you are going through. It happens every year.

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Is Adidas getting cold feet because the core management guys are leaving for Warrior? Adidas planned on getting the A team and is now looking at the B team. No wonder this is taking longer than expected. Sales meetings for the Easton reps are just a few weeks away. Time for those guys to ask some hard questions because they will be the next ones getting screwed.

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My point is that if a shop has booked $50K with Mistech and is then promising their customers for weeks on end that the delivery is anyday now, the shop looks like idiots and the buyer is screwed. These problems happen, they have happened before in this industry, and will probably happen again. It is just experience and instinct that helps the buyer decide which vendor gets his open-to-buy $. Easton will always have the same problems: promise March delivery on product booked in January, ship mid April instead. I am still waiting on gloves from that January booking.

You are so right on this one, nothing worse than booking in January and not getting your order before season starts. I'm experiencing that right now with a major manufacturer. I've lost lots of sales, and probably lot more if I don't get stuff soon. Whats worse is the internet sites have the gear. Customers can only wait so long.

ANY company that can meet it's orders will do well with retailers, including Warrior.

It could be worse. The company could not be living up to agreements with the dealer regarding discount levels, not shipping items that were ordered, billing for the items they didn't ship and billing for items that were never ordered.

Oh wait, that already happened this year.

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I just hope that Warrior makes their OPS's just as Innovative made theirs.

I hate to see companies take over other comapnies and use their "new technology." Inno's sticks are great, so I hope they don't change anything but the graphics..

Actually, there are a lot of improvements I'd like to see in their sticks.

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Chadd, I'm curious to know why you think there needs to be many improvements to Inno shafts/sticks. Although I haven't been lucky enough to find one in my area, to try myself. It seems we have a strong Inno fan base on MSH.

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I think Chadd has had problem with their shafts(torquing problem I think).

but I would also like to know what you would like to see on them that others like Easton, THC, BNH, or Mission have.

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It could be worse. The company could not be living up to agreements with the dealer regarding discount levels, not shipping items that were ordered, billing for the items they didn't ship and billing for items that were never ordered.

Oh wait, that already happened this year.

Which company?

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Chadd, I'm curious to know why you think there needs to be many improvements to Inno shafts/sticks. Although I haven't been lucky enough to find one in my area, to try myself. It seems we have a strong Inno fan base on MSH.

As Kovy said, torque is a major problem with Innos for me and a number of other people. I also dislike the polarfiber quite a bit. It will be interesting to see if they actually produce products in quantity to compete or if they only supply a limited number of shops as they have over the last couple of years.


I won't mention the name but if you deal with them, I'm sure you already got a fax apologing for their problems.

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Chadd, I'm curious to know why you think there needs to be many improvements to Inno shafts/sticks. Although I haven't been lucky enough to find one in my area, to try myself. It seems we have a strong Inno fan base on MSH.

As Kovy said, torque is a major problem with Innos for me and a number of other people. I also dislike the polarfiber quite a bit. It will be interesting to see if they actually produce products in quantity to compete or if they only supply a limited number of shops as they have over the last couple of years.

I have had similar problems with hespeler shafts tourqing in the past.

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Chadd, I'm curious to know why you think there needs to be many improvements to Inno shafts/sticks. Although I haven't been lucky enough to find one in my area, to try myself. It seems we have a strong Inno fan base on MSH.

As Kovy said, torque is a major problem with Innos for me and a number of other people. I also dislike the polarfiber quite a bit. It will be interesting to see if they actually produce products in quantity to compete or if they only supply a limited number of shops as they have over the last couple of years.

I have had similar problems with hespeler shafts tourqing in the past.

I didn't have that problem with the 9010 or Alpha Nemesis OPS. 9009 wasn't bad but my shot has improved a lot since then.

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Well, the Alpha is different b/c it wasn't Inno-made, but you know...

I'm with Chadd on this one. Sorry but I've always thought Inno was nothing special.

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