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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ryan Smith with Black tacks and Wayne like helmet

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he uses a crapy old school one in practice not that one. btw what stick is he useing there?

looks like an XXX with a wood blade or something :blink:

lol at 4 posts in 2 mins saying almost the same thing,

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when they where in halifax he was using some other bauer shaft i count tell what it was it look like a vapor V shaft tho it probably wasnt tho.

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In all likeliness, it is a Vapor X shaft with a wood blade. Seeing as the XXX is a relatively new retail product, it's great marketing, considering there is no NHL hockey to advertise new products.

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I could be wrong, but I believe I remember from the Corebeam days someone posting that he used Ultra A/G shafts, then switched to Hespler and had them make similar shafts.

If you look at your picture, it looks like there is a silver metal tip on the shaft....I am guessing it is an A/G type shaft if not an A/G painted like a XXX

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Yeah its Robin Reghyr (spelling?) As for the AG, he does use the old aluminium silver tip AG. I still have one. Great stick. Very light for an aluminum, and had a nice narrow shape to it.

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i'm a big oilers fan and i know for sure that smyth uses the old school aluminum sticks cause they are almost unbreakable which is what he needs for the style of play he plays.

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i'm a big oilers fan and i know for sure that smyth uses the old school aluminum sticks cause they are almost unbreakable which is what he needs for the style of play he plays.

He hasn't used aluminum in a while.

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