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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stripped down Pro Tacks

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Has anyone taken the white plastic off of their Tack's. I have no real reason to do it, butI saw a pair of Pro Tacks without the white heel wedge plastic, and they looked pretty good.

Take a look. Whaddya think? I like em:

Stripped down Pro Tacks

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I've got to admit. They do look pretty sweet. They look like a more angular version of an 8090 boot.

But what would the integrity of the boot be like?

He's asking way too much for butchered skates though.

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I guess it could cause the boots to lose stiffness after a period of time, but I doubt they really would. Mine are "Blue" stiffness and its like a cast on my ankle.

I figure if Howe, Orr and Hull made do with flimsy leather ankles, todays stiff boots are more of a preference than a necessity.

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If you think all black tacks look so sick, you could mask off most of the skate with tape or something, then spray the white plastic black. It would look so dirty.

Especially when the paint gets all chipped up, and the chips end up all over the ice.

Painting equipment/sticks isn't really that good of an idea.

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If you think all black tacks look so sick, you could mask off most of the skate with tape or something, then spray the white plastic black. It would look so dirty.

Especially when the paint gets all chipped up, and the chips end up all over the ice.

Painting equipment/sticks isn't really that good of an idea.

Neither is bastardizing a skate just to make it look cool, but what can you do?

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If you think all black tacks look so sick, you could mask off most of the skate with tape or something, then spray the white plastic black. It would look so dirty.

Especially when the paint gets all chipped up, and the chips end up all over the ice.

Painting equipment/sticks isn't really that good of an idea.

there can't be more chips than from the SL... besides, you could always sand, prime, spray black and that would last longer.

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Neither is bastardizing a skate just to make it look cool, but what can you do?

You really think taking the heel wedge off would be bastardizing a skate?

I've never really considered a skate bastardizable.

customizable, maybe.

I guess its a fine line between customized and bastardized. LOL :D

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Neither is bastardizing a skate just to make it look cool, but what can you do?

You really think taking the heel wedge off would be bastardizing a skate?

I've never really considered a skate bastardizable.

customizable, maybe.

I guess its a fine line between customized and bastardized. LOL :D

Removing a functional element, especially for purely aesthetic reasons, is bastardizing.

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Neither is bastardizing a skate just to make it look cool, but what can you do?

You really think taking the heel wedge off would be bastardizing a skate?

I've never really considered a skate bastardizable.

customizable, maybe.

I guess its a fine line between customized and bastardized. LOL :D

Removing a functional element, especially for purely aesthetic reasons, is bastardizing.

Well I respectfully disagree. The heel wedge is arguably as much or more for aesthetics and marketing reasons as taking it off would be.

I think its customization. And weight reduction (just kidding on the weight reduction)

seriously, the heel wedge doesn't do that much other than prevent some abrasion from the boards. Maybe a miniscule increase in protection, but mostly its there to make it look different from other skates, so people will know your skating on Tacks from across the rink.

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Neither is bastardizing a skate just to make it look cool, but what can you do?

You really think taking the heel wedge off would be bastardizing a skate?

I've never really considered a skate bastardizable.

customizable, maybe.

I guess its a fine line between customized and bastardized. LOL :D

Removing a functional element, especially for purely aesthetic reasons, is bastardizing.

Well I respectfully disagree. The heel wedge is arguably as much or more for aesthetics and marketing reasons as taking it off would be.

I think its customization. And weight reduction (just kidding on the weight reduction)

seriously, the heel wedge doesn't do that much other than prevent some abrasion from the boards. Maybe a miniscule increase in protection, but mostly its there to make it look different from other skates, so people will know your skating on Tacks from across the rink.

It helps prevent lace bite as well. I just don't get the people who waste time customizing their gear for purely aesthetic purposes. Usually they're the ones who need to spend more time practicing.

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If you think all black tacks look so sick, you could mask off most of the skate with tape or something, then spray the white plastic black. It would look so dirty.

I play with a guy who has Tacks (Not sure what model/year) but they heel piece is black with white, instead of the typical vice versa...

Any idea what those might be...?

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Yeah well, 3 Stanley Cups, a Hart trophy, a handful of Selkes, and over 1000 career NHL points pretty much says he can wear whatever he wants.

:ph34r: B)

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No wonder he still has the insoles in there...covering up all of the holes.

yep, he had the eyelots done in our store by gary. the kids russian and he isnt all there. nice guy but wants to do so much with his skates

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Well, I was bored tonight, so I went ahead and bastardized my Pro Tacks. I love em. They look like good old fashioned hockey skates now. Just really light and really stiff old fashioned hockey skates. :lol:

I wish CCM had made them this way from the beginning. I never like the flashiness of the heel wedge. I'm more a fan of the old school designs. I've always stripped down my sticks and helmets of any unnecessary decorations, stickers and such.

And after stripping them down, I see that the heel wedge really serves no useful purpose, they really don't.

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