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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton "The One" Spotted at Epuck

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530 grams? Everyone bitches about the Busch sticks as they weight around that ball park.

Also curious, performance 7.5, durability 9.5? I always wondered how Easton comes up with those numbers.

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Blade seemed a little different and it didn't feel the same in my hands. The shaft seemed smoother, Eastons seem to always have those little bumps on the shaft, where this seemed to have an Xn10 like smoothness.

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So, is it basically an old Synergy, with some extra weight?

No, actually, it's a true-one piece stick apparently (hence the name). Also, the "performance" factor (if there's any science to that at all) isn't rated as high as the original Synnergy - but again, I think that's more marketing schpeil than anything else as far as Easton is concerned.

Blade seemed a little different and it didn't feel the same in my hands. The shaft seemed smoother, Eastons seem to always have those little bumps on the shaft, where this seemed to have an Xn10 like smoothness.

Interesting.... I have that on my Stealth. Little hard air bubbles or grit in the paint. I figured that was just a thing with the Stealth and the "terma-tec" paint job.... I thought I was the only one who noticed....

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Those bumps were on every synergy grip I have had to date. They are pretty noticeable, I don't see why more people don't mention their dislike (or lack thereof) of them.

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I have that on my Stealth. Little hard air bubbles or grit in the paint.

I think they are pretty common, I have the bumps on my Si-core grip :(

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They have been on every stick I have owned recently, with the exception of the Xn10 line and possibly the Vector sticks (don't have it on me). I am not sure if we are all thinking the same thing here, but I believe we are on the same page. It's on the Novius I have sitting here. It's basically like the weave of the stick, just little bumps. It is more noticable on the Synergy than other sticks for me.

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i just saw them at my lhs today,they dont really look that nice,they are very heavy,they are listed at 530 and thats what my vapor VI weighed but my vapor felt alot lighter,,for some reason all they had was gaborik in right,just like the online stores

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I love how everyone is seeing the new products except me :unsure: ....only new ones i have seen are the Bauer Endure and XX MAXX Stick-um ughhhhhhhhhhhh

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