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A girl

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Alright, i like this girl for about a month now and ive just been flirting with her, shes flirts back some time but how do i know if she actually likes me or is she just f'in around w/me? I can usally tell but with her i cant. I need help to find out.

I did do a search because I know we did a few of these but didnt find the right answers.........

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A search on girl help??? Well that might be a first for this board. B)

Its more about catching on the non-verbal actions. The big one is the spark in their eye. You'll know it if it is there. If you are unclear on what that looks like check out a couple that you know gets along. Look at the way she looks at him ... look for that spark.

Does she do the whole arm touch thing when she speaks to you is another ...

Heck ask to go to ice cream after class or something. Its non-threatning and a way to find out more.

Overall the key is not to worry about it. She is more nervous than you believe me. Once you stop carring and start doing it becomes real easy.

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well, the thing is, if you guys are talking well, then shes not going to go and say no to a casual date. from there you can esclated even further.

i duno more info about you but you seem to be fairly young. are u in high school? you need to keep in mind that there isn't any pressure on you, even if she says no, still all good, because when your young, its all just "trainning" and feeling it out. nothing's on the line, no pressure at all.

act casual, cocky and funny, as well as confident, and she'll dig you

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There is a fine line between cocky and confident.

Opt for confident.

The bitty's who hang around my school are usually pretty easy, but I do know a thing or two :P .

Keep her on her feet, and make sure that you don't up as her man-bizzotch. If she's telling you about her problems and stuff, then that's a bad sign. Keep off the phone for the most part, don't compliment her, tease/harass her a little bit, and don't pay for her crap! You just gotta be suave, keep her on her feet, and avoid saying what any regular guy would say.

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And if all else fails, you can always ask Skier1 how he does it....LMAO!!!

But seriously, be your self. Cuz if she doesn't like you for who you are, she isn't worth the trouble. Good luck...

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Isn't it a bit hard to generalize how girls will react when they like a guy?

I mean they're not all built the same right? Some act shy, and some are very overt and flirty.

Same goes the other way around though, some girls flirt but aren't interested and some act disinterested when they dig you.

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I would suggest starting casual, dont seem over-anxious, and for gods sake be yourself, but dont try to hard to impress her.

Assuming that being yourself is a good thing.

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BE CONFIDENT. Try not to get all nervous/shy around her. A good date for you two would be to take her ice skating. That's what I did when I was into this girl in high school, plus she probably won't know how to skate so then she has to hold your hand. By the way can you drive yet?

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BE CONFIDENT. Try not to get all nervous/shy around her. A good date for you two would be to take her ice skating. That's what I did when I was into this girl in high school, plus she probably won't know how to skate so then she has to hold your hand. By the way can you drive yet?

noi cant drive yet :unsure: ........................but, we can always just meet at the rink. Good idea about the skating thing.

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Just talk to her like you would with any other girl but take interest in what she says.Just because she's hot doesn't mean you have to treat her like a princess so don't suck up to her or anything but like I said take interest.now go get'er tiger

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sorry for the off topic post but i need to share my latest problem

i have girl problems up the ass right now. ok so the girl i like i find out likes me bit we didnt really know much about each other. we talked alot got to know each other more hung out a few times but she juts wanted t otake things slow. and i was fine with that. so last friday i was out with her one of her firends and a bunch of other people and she told me she didnt know how she felt about me, and at the time i was a little tipsy and i tought he said she didnt like me at all. so i said so really mean thing and so did she and i was hanging out with her friend most of the night and had my arm around her most of the night and the girl i like got pissed.

but i was am really so for all the stuff i did and said and we talked about it over the weekend and she forgave me and it was all good.

so today at school people started up the old rumor mill and started and people are saying i made out with her friend and stuff like that and some of the pople saying shit werent even there..................god i love high school

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so today at school people started up the old rumor mill and started and people are saying i made out with her friend and stuff like that and some of the pople saying shit werent even there..................god i love high school

HAHA, well it does get better. Honestly, just ride it out, keep close to the girl, but give her space. Check in every once in a while and wait for her to make a bit of a signal to come back in.

Langs - I haven't read much of the posts here, but step up, tell her your interested and be forward. It's the best way. If my comments are completely confusing let me know and i'll go through and read all of the posts.

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Girls love the index fingertip planted right on top of a buttcrack - it's gold, Jerry. Gold.

Best post ever. That one really made me laugh out loud. :D

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god i love high school

It seems like this time is mile away from me, but I finished high school just 2 years ago. I say just enjoy your time there in high school and if you don't have this girl, believe me you'll have many others opportunities in your life. Don't forget who you are and what you like...

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Another thing- Women hate other women. Basically the compitetion is what kills them. Just look at the real world road rules inferno challenge thing. The women are always fighting. If something doesn't work out, or just to spice things up, go for another girl and flirt like hell infront of whoever it is you like. Keep us posted.

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Not confusing at all,but the thing is if i do step up and tell her im interested then shell tell sum1 and hten that person will tell the whole school. and my school is very gay and all the guys are prued and faggs sumtimes so then theyll just make fun of me 24/7.

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Not confusing at all,but the thing is if i do step up and tell her im interested then shell tell sum1 and hten that person will tell the whole school. and my school is very gay and all the guys are prued and faggs sumtimes so then theyll just make fun of me 24/7.

Those guys just wish they played hockey. And since you do play hockey, and we run the show, just ask her how she feels. Get er' going from there, I guarantee you'll feel better.

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