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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are you doing this summer?

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Sooo, pretty good summer for this guy. I'm living like a trust fund kid basically. Go out to my golf house on Predator Ridge (Top 25 Course in NA I believe), golfing every day, then going to hockey tourney, training like a madman, going to Europe for Team Canada West, then going to Prep School. Should be pretty sweet. If you want add when you're done school...June 22nd I believe for moi.

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my last day of school was may 23

i have 1 peter dale roller hockey camp

1 robby glantz camp

2 trips to chicago

1 trip 2 montana

summer practices for my girls team

2 roller house teams

assistant coaching 1 roller team (elemtanry age)

boring for the most part

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I've been out of school for about a 6 weeks now. I am in my 5th week of a full-time job at a Steel Mill. It's mostly what I am doing. Also running a roller hockey team, working on some training and I am looking to start a Mens ice team in the winter.

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ive been out of school for a month. i sell lightbulbs and just coming off mono, im starting to skate and lift now, hoping ot go strong. playingin 1 or 2 leagues, nothing big, then head floor hockey specialist at a day camp/

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I will workout almost everyday. As for work, I will try and find a job in town here, or else go work for our store at a lake, hauling firewood doing the usual store stuff.

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I graduate next Saturday. Finals are next week, so this is my last real week of school. The day after grad, some of my friends and I are driving up to Calgary in a RV. It should get pretty crazy up there. When I get back I think I'll just play golf, get fat, and try to play poker for a summer job.

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Who knows what I'm doing so far. Fore sure some golf, hopefully 3-4 times a week and maybe some tennis. I get out of school on the 17th of June.

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I dont Know when im out of school, but this summer ill be playing roller hockey in 2 leagues, alot of golf, my job at sportmart and 1 on 1 pitching lessons all summer 4 days a week.

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Been out of school since May 24th.......Gonna condition all summer for next yeares travel season, and I got a job at carvel (cant get any better than that!) Besides that, gonna work on fundamentals and chill out....I wanna gain 10-15 lbs by the end of summer..... (Aug. 28th for me)

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I've been working 60 hour weeks for the last 3 months and am lucky enough to get a grand total of 3 days off in two weeks. I'm going to Vegas.... and if you ask most people, I'm already there.

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Work at a hockey store whole summer, train for next season and watch movies. Oh and of course go out with the odd girl here and there.

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im done school for the year on the 13th. i will be going maine and new hampshire for a week in july, playing in a summer hockey league, working out hopefully 3-4 tomes a week and going to a defencemen camp for a week. oh and i will be spending alot of time on the beach pickin up some chicks :D

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Same old stuff for me. Besides Work, going camping with some friends for a week or so. And, of course, Can't forget about Summer roller hockey. Other then that I just take it day by day.

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Playing baseball everyday with Bantam AAA and hopefully going to the nationals in windsor ontario and Atlantic's,and going to work out 3 times a week and run everyday ,and go to a few hockey camps ,and the beach

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Roller and Ice Hockey, and working with my pops doing landscaping, hopefully getting my own job soon

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i'm swinging a 22 oz hammer for eight hours a day, drinking bud light for the next five, then sleeping with my gf, wake up the next day and do it again

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